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As soon as I opened my eyes I knew where I was. It was the same cell Lily had been locked in a while before. When I thought about it, I had no concept of how much time had passed. As I thought more, I knew it must had been at least a few months. I grew angry knowing my so called friends had left me for that long.

"Let me out of here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Getting up from the floor, I ran to the door. My fists slammed on it, making the room shake.

"I'll kill you all once I escape!"

The opening on the door flipped up letting me see Bonnie and Damon standing outside. My hand darted out as I reached for them. When they backed away, I laughed and pulled my arm in.

"How did this happen to you?" Bonnie asked, giving me a sympathetic look.

"You all left me," I spat. "Kai was there for me. He cares about me unlike you."

"Kai doesn't care about you," Damon countered. "If he did, he wouldn't have kept you trapped."

"If you cared, you would have found me!" I yelled. "You can't pretend to care now that I'm ruining the perfect lives you all have without me."

"We want you in our lives," Bonnie said. "Please come back to us."

"Bonnie when are you going to stop being such a whiny bitch?" I laughed, moving away from the door.

Bonnie looked at me with a shocked face as I made myself comfortable against the far wall.

"It's funny how the lack of humanity makes everything clear," I said, crossing my arms.

Damon quickly slammed the opening shut. A loud laugh ripped out of me as I heard their footsteps fade away. Listening close, I heard them begin to talk about me.

"What do we do to turn her humanity back on?" Bonnie sighed sounding defeated.

"I thought seeing you would turn it on," Damon admitted. "I don't know what else would do the trick."

I chuckled to myself knowing nothing would turn on my humanity. I was done caring about others. Turning off my humanity was the best decision I have ever made.

I couldn't move. My body was starting to fall apart. Every breath I took felt like I was breathing in shards of glass. Outside of the door stood Bonnie and Damon yet again.

Everyone had been coming down to see me. Each one tried to turn on my humanity, only further annoying me. As I sat there, nearly dead, they tried again.

"You don't want to be like this anymore," Bonnie said, close to tears. "You're not a killer."

I could barely hear her words as my bored mind drifted off.

"When you turn your humanity back on it'll only be worse the longer you have it off," Damon explained.

"Then I'll never turn it back on," I said, my voice rough. "Think logically Damon."

The man growled and hit his fist on the door.

"God Dammit Zaylee!" He yelled. "Flip the switch."

I smiled at his anger while shaking my head.

"I'll die here before I flip the switch."

Bonnie put her face in her hands as she tried to calm herself. I felt proud of how much pain I had caused them.

"You'll regret keeping me in here," I said quietly.

Placing his hand on Bonnie's shoulder, he motioned for them to leave. Bonnie took one last look at me before going up the stairs. I expected to hear them walk all the way up, but I heard a loud crash before they made it to the top of the steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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