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"We have to do something Liv." I groaned as I fell down on my bed. "There has to be something we can do. Bonnie and Damon have been gone for months."

"I'm" sorry but we don't even know if they're still alive," Liv sighed "Anyway,if there was, no one would let you be put in any danger."

Liv was right. Everyone saw me as the poor kid who's sister had disappeared. Possibly even died. No one would ever let me be put in danger.

"I know, I know. I just don't like sitting around this dorm with nothing to do."  I complained as I pulled on my hair in frustration. We sat for a while until an idea popped in my head.

"Wait! What abouts grams books. Maybe theres a clue to where they are and how to get to them. Bonnie did say that she was talking to grams." I quickly said.

"We've looked through them." Liv replied.

"Well theres no harm in trying again," I stated. "I'm going to find my sister."

With that, I hopped off my bed and grabbed her arm. We quickly ran to Elena and Carolines dorm where the grimiores would be. When we got there, Liv used her magic to open the door. I was new at magic, only finding out revelry that I too was a witch. So, I let Liv handle the magic.

Luckily, no one was inside the dorm. Running to the bookshelf, I grabbed all of the grimiores I could find. Once they were in my arms I sprinted out of the room and down the hall to my dorm. Catching my breath, I threw the books onto my bed. Liv came back to the room looking annoyed.

"You could  have waited for me before you ran away."

I rolled my eyes and started to dig through the books. Scanning every word on each page, I searched for anything that would help me.


Gasping, I quickly opened my eyes. I hadn't even realized I fell asleep. Sitting up, I felt a grimoire fall from my face into my lap. Looking around I saw Liv curled up in a ball on our desk, with a book covering her eyes. I was leaning against a wall on her bed.

Sighing, I looked down to the book in my lap. In the corner of the book was small writting I couldnt read. I quickly sat up, excited from the discovory. Opening a drawer I pulled out a magnifying glass. Then I looked at the wrirting. As I finished I immediately woke up Liv.

"Ugh what." She groans as I shake her. "I found something!" I yelled in her ear.

She automatically sat up and took the book from my hands. As she looked at the spell I explained what I had learned.

"The spell can transport someone to whereever a certain person is. Then after 30 minuets whoever is holding onto the book goes back to where the spell was originally cast."

"This spell can only be used once every decade." Liv sighed as she read further down the page.

"Maybe it hasnt been used yet." I say trying to keep hope. "Lets just try it. Please."

"Fine. But we're doing it at the edge of mystic falls because I dont want to be caught by one of your friends."

Smirking, I quickly helped Liv pack her bag. Once we had all of our things, we hurried to Mystic Falls. I was finally going to see my sister after months.

When we were at the edge of Mystic Falls we jumped out of the car and walked a litttle ways into the woods. Liv then set out the candles and prepared for the spell. I sat down holding into the book. She started to chant. My hands clenched tightly and I prayed the spell would work. All I wanted to do was see my sister.

As Liv chanted I noticed the gimiore in my hands start to glow. Soon I was engulfed in a bright white light. As the light cleared I was at the edge of Mystic Falls like I had been. Not what I expected. Holding onto the book, I pushed through the woods.

Emerging from the trees, I saw a road. It was the road leading into Mystic Falls. I turned my head and sure enough there was the 'welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. Turning back, I started running down the road. I wasnt going to ask questions about where I was. I was first going to find Bonnie and Damon. And knowing them theres onely one place they would be. The Salvatore house.

I ran as fast as I could to the house, not even caring to look around. I just ran. Once I was at the house I calmed myself and opened the door. I only had a few minutes to get them, so I had to be fast.

As I walked into the main room I heard someone yell from the kitchen.

"Pancakes, again?!" It was Bonnie.

Sprinting towards the kitchen, my heart raced. Sitting at the counter was Bonnie and Damon.

My mouth hung open as tears formed in my eyes.


Their heads turned so quickly at the sudden noise. When they saw me their eyes lit up. I ran towards them and threw the book on the counter then I wrapped Bon in my arms while Damon wrapped me in his. I couldn't stop the tears now.

"Zee-zee?" She spoke.

"I'm here to take you home." I explained as I unwrapped from the hug.

I pointed to the book on the counter to show them.

"All we have to do is hold onto the book until it starts to glow. Then we're in Mystic Falls."

I walked away from the two and around the kitchen.

"Well our Mystic Falls. What is this place?" I asked.

The kitchen looked like the one at home but in a way newer yet older. I could tell the house was the Salvatore house, but everything was a bit off.

"This is a 1994 prison world." Damon answered as he leaned against the counter.

I walked further away from them as I looked at the weird home. I turned back to look at them.

"A prison world for who?" I didn't get a reply because the book starrted to glow. "Grab onto the book!" I yelled as I sprinted towards them.

Damom amd Bonnie grabbed ahold as the light grew brighter. I made it just in time. Grasping the book right as a bright light started to engulf us, but a harsh pulling sensation on my hair made me fall backwards onto the ground.

"Zayl-" I heard Bon yell but she was cut off.

Bonnie and Damon were nowhere in sight.

"No. No. No." I kept reapeating. "No. This cant be happening."

I stood from the ground staring at the spot they had stood just a few secomds prior. My hands shook as I grew anxious and frustrated. Quickly, I remembered I was pulled to the ground by my hair. Turing around, I saw an attractive boy leaning against the door frame. He smirked and took a step towards me.

"I'm Kai, Kai parker."

The PsychopathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin