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Walking down the streets of Mystic Falls, I had no sense of direction. Every few streets I would make a turn, not knowing where I would end up. My head faced the ground as I watched my feet ps along the concrete. When I finally looked up, I recognized the neighborhood. My pace quickened as I hurried to a specific house. When I found it, I stared.

It was Grams' house. Staying outside, I wondered if I should go in. After a few moments I forced myself to walk forward. Gently, I pushed open the door as if Grams would be inside.

Scanning the home, I realized almost everything was the same. All the furniture was the same apart from the appliances. Going down a hall, I stared at each picture as I went. Many were of Grams an Mom. Near the end of the hall I saw a few of Bonnie. She was only a baby and I hadn't been adopted.

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked at the baby picture. I thought of Bonnie and all of my friends. All of the things I was missing being stuck in 1994.

Wiping my tears, I tried to dry my face. It didn't help as more tears quickly replaced them. My chest clenched as more tears fell. Running down the hall, I rushed out of the house. The pain overwhelmed me.

Leaving the neighborhood, I looked for somewhere to distract me. At the corner of the street I noticed a liquor store. Wasting no time, I broke in.

Walking around the store, I looked for the strongest liquor. When I found it, I popped open the top. Putting the bottle to my lips, I took a few large swigs. Wincing, I coughed at the strong taste.

Slowly, the alcohol warmed me, but didn't calm me like I wanted. Instead, it filled me with more rage. I wasn't able to see my family. I was stuck in a prison with a sociopath.

In anger I chucked the bottle across the store. It smashed into the wall sending glass flying. I broke like the glass that littered the floor.

Grabbing more bottles I began throwing them one after another. Screaming out, I tried to cure my pain. With each broken bottle I hope to fix the situation I was in.

Liquor coated the floor as I fell to my knees. Glad cute my skin as the alcohol burned it. I didn't care. My head fell into my hands as I screamed out.

At the front of the store the door opened with a ding. Kai walked in, his eyes widening when he saw the shattered bottles.

"Wow you made a big mess." Kai joked.

Looking up, I glared daggers with my red eyes. His face changed from joking to confused when he saw my puffy face.

What happened?" He asked taking a step towards me.

"Go away." I say harshly.

"Zaylee, let me help you."

Kai got even closer to me. My skin crawled as he neared. I couldn't be that close to the person who h ruined my life.

"I said go away!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Energy rushed through me and pushed out. It knocked Kai back and the remaining bottles shattered. Shards of glass went flying everywhere. Glass scratched against my skin, cutting it in the process.

Sobs and screams continued to rush out of me. My body shook as I hid my face in my hands. Placing his hand on my shoulder, Kai tried to see what happened. Slowly, I slid my hand over to a shard of glass. Grasping the object, I stood up to face him. Looking at my red face, he tilted his head.

Before anything else happened I threw my arm up. With the glass in hand, I tried to slice through Kais skin. Grabbing my arm, he stopped me. He was so quick it caused me to drop the glass.

Looking me up and down, Kais expression showed shock. He thought I was crazy and I felt like it. His confused eyes soon narrowed as he made a decision.

Warmth spread through my arm before it started to burn. Kais hand held me tight as he stole my magic. Whimpering, I began to crumple into Kai. When he stopped I felt him put a hand on my forehead. Quietly, he said a few words. His hand remained pressed to my skin as my energy started to drain.

"Kai. What are you doing?" I try yelling but it comes out as a whisper.

"Shh. It'll be alright. Just calm down." He whispered in my ear.

That's when I completely fell into him. Leaning down, Kai scooped me up in his arms. Leaving the store, he walked to the parking lot. Opening the door to a random car, he got inside. With me still in his arms, he sat. Then he laid me in the passenger seat so my head was resting on his lap.

Stroking my hair, he drove home. Multiple times I tried to lift my head, but whatever spell he put on me was really doing its job. My body was weak and my mind was tired.

When we got to the house he lifted me up and brought me inside. All the while I hit on his chest. I didn't want to be in the Salvatore house. It made me miss my friends even more.

Kai put me on the couch and walked away. When he came back he had a first aid kit in his hands. Sitting down, Kai moved me so I leaned against him with my legs next to me. Closing my eyes, I rested my head on his shoulder. There wasn't anything else I could do.

Grabbing my hand, Kai held it close to his face. His eyes analyzed the gash before he started cleaning it. I hadn't noticed the glass cut my hand.

"Why'd you freak out?" He asked as he worked on my hand.

"Because I want to go home. I can't stand it here." I say on the brink of tears.

"Dont worry. We'll go home." Kai tried to reassure me but it didn't work.

"No we wont." I say and let a few tears fall.

I felt Kai set down my now bandaged hand and wipe my tears away. My eyebrows furrowed at his odd actions. 

"I promise you we will leave this place. One way or another."

I smiled, satisfied with his answer even though I didn't believe him. Closing my eyes, I let my exhaustion take me. I imagined I was back in my bed at home as I drifted off.


Looking down down at the girl resting on me, I found her asleep. Tears still stained her cheeks. Zaylee was broken and it was because of me. I didn't feel bad. Not one bit. It made her more like me.

When we get out of here she's going to want to be with her friends. I can't let that happen. I cant lose her. She's been the best companion in this prison and I won't let anyone take her from me.

The PsychopathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant