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Falling backwards, my back hit floor. Scrambling up, I pushed myself away from the training. Colliding with the wall, I stopped. My eyes shut as I tried to control my breathing. Behind my eyelids I saw his body falling again and again.

Freezing, I realized I was stuck. I couldn't fly home. My body stayed frozen in shock for a few minutes as I processed. When I finally came too, I slowly made my way to the elevator.

At the bottom of the tower, I slowly crept over to where Kai had fallen. Stopping, I debated on if I even wanted to see where he had died. I didn't know why, but my feet moved me forward. I think I needed conformation that he was gone. Out of my life for good.

My heart sank when I stood in the spot where Kai had fallen. Instead of the splattered body I expected to see, all I saw was a puddle of blood. Placing a hand on my chest, I tried to calm myself. Taking a step back, I bumped into something hard. Turning around, I screamed. In surprise, I tripped over my own feet. My bottom hit the ground as I stayed staring up.

Kai stood above me without a scratch on his skin. He was alive and well. He looked the same as he had when he fell, apart from his blood soaked clothing.

Screaming again, I tried to scoot away from him. I wasn't fast enough as Kais hand shot out. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me to stand. He laughed as his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Were you worried about me?" He playfully joked.

"You're dead." I mumbled, still confused.

"See, when my dad put me in this world he made it so I couldn't die. I've tried to kill myself many times," Kai explained. "I even tried once in this gorgeous city with an old guillotine."

Still in a state of shock, I didn't respond.

"Come on gorgeous, you have to admit the look on your face was hilarious."

Letting go of my waist, he stood facing me with my wrists in his hands. I stood there shaking in fear and shock. Kai waited for a reaction, but I remained still. Rolling his eyes, he pulled me towards the waiting car.

When we got to the car he opened the door to the front seat and I sat down. Closing my door, he walked around to get in on the drivers side. He started driving, seeming like he knew where to go. I stared out the window, keeping my eyes off of him. I couldn't stand the sight of his red soaked clothes. Even though I tried to turn away, I could still smell the metallic scent.

"What? You don't like blood?" Kai joked as he saw me catching a glance at him.

"I lived with vampires. I've seen enough blood for a lifetime."

It wasn't the blood that bothered me. It was where it came from. Kai had jumped from a tower just to scare me. He died to torture me.

Turning away from him, I tried to if lee his presence. When the car stopped, I looked up to see an elegant hotel. One that only the richest people could stay at. Kai opened the door, so I got out of the car as well. Temptation to run away filled me, but logic told me to stay. If I ran there was no way for me to get back to Mystic Falls.

Kai walked in the front and I followed behind him up to the desk.

"What floor do you want to stay on?" He asked me.

"The bottom floor." I replied unamused.

Kai just playfully scoffed.

"You're no fun. I'll choose."

Looking through the keys, Kai quickly grabbed one fire I could see the number. Taking my hand, he pulled me to the elevator.

"Close your eyes," Kai said as we stepped inside.

"Kai this is stupid." I spat.

"No it is not." Then he stood infront of the buttons so I wouldn't see what he picked. "It's going to be a surprise."

The elevator went up and up for a long time. A ding sounded in the small space and the doors slowly opened. Stepping out, I was greated with a beautiful penthouse. I could already tell this place was on the top floor.

"Come with me." Kai said and grabbed my wrist so I was forced to follow.

We walked over to the door to what I would assume to be the balcony. Opening the door, I saw my theory was correct. Though instead of a normal balcony, there was a pool deck.

"Why did you bring me to France?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to. Might as well have fun while we wait for your friends to save us." Kai explained with his childish grin.

Rolling my eyes, I left him on the balcony. Going inside, I set off to explore.

The penthouse was luxurious. Never in my life could I afford to stay at a place like this. It was a guilty pleasure getting to stay in this place while stuck with a killer.

Walking through the large kitchen, I pulled open the fridge. The sun was starting to set and I was getting hungry.

"Want me to make dinner?" I heard kai ask from behind me.

"Is cooking the only good thing you do?" I asked as I closed the fridge.

"I have many talents, but you only seem to like my cooking skills," Kai explained.

"Alright, well be my guest." I said motioning him into the kitchen.

"Meet me on the balcony! After dinner we are going swimming!" Kai yelled as I walked away.

I nodded, knowing he could still see me. Walking to the bedroom I had found, I made my way to the walk-in closet. Racks of beautiful clothing hung from the walls. Designer handbags and shoes were displayed in glass cabinets in the back of the closet.

Gently, I ran my fingers over the expensive fabrics. Each felt like it would rip with one wrong move. At the end of the clothing, I saw a rack of swim suits.

Searching through the suits, I found one that appeared to be my size. Throwing on the green colored suit, I looked at myself in the mirror. Seeing that the suit fit, I threw on a lace coverup. After fixing my hair I took a deep breath. It was time to have dinner with the devil.

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