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The lights around me flashed in a variety of different colors. Everyone danced and partied like it was their last night on Earth. For some, it was.

I wore a tight black dress with my hair pulled into a high ponytail. I sat at the bar drinking when a man walked up to me. He sat next to me at the bar, ordering two shots. When they came, he slid one over to me. I watched the clear liquid slosh as the glass moved.

He smiled at me when I quickly downed the shot. His eyes looked me up and down before he took his. Making a move, I stood from the bar, pulling him with me.

Behind him, I could see Kai watching us from the bar. I winked at him as I pulled my prey out to the dance floor. Kai glared at the man I danced with, but I didn't care.

I moved to the music, keeping the mans attention on me. I turned to stare at him. My pupils grew bigger as I compelled him.

"Don't scream or struggle," I smirked.

My hand reached out to grab him, pulling him close to me. I smiled as my fangs sunk into his wrist. The blood poured down my throat as I drained him. The taste thrilled me. By the time I pulled away his eye lids were droopy.

"Go wait out back for me," I compelled him.

The man did as told with his wrist still dripping. With him gone, I went to find another victim. My next meal was easy to find as he wakled up to me.

He grabbed my hips and we danced together. Turning around, I whispered to him.

"Let's get out of here."

The man eagerly nodded and allowed me to pull him to the back of the club. Once outside, he pushed me into the wall. His lips kissed down my neck. Quickly, I flipped us so he was against the wall. Looking into his eyes, I listened to the blood rushing through him.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" He asked, staring at the dark veins that had formed.

"Don't scream," I compelled him before sinking my teeth into his neck.

The man struggled slightly. I could feel him shaking in fear beneath me as he tried screaming. Under my lips I felt his pulse slow.

"Aren't you going to save any for me?" Kai asked as he walked up dragging a dead girl by her wrist.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed the man towards Kai. He smiled as he let the dead girls body fall, Kai sunk his teeth into my bite mark, enjoying the man's blood.

Walking around the back of the building, I found the other man I told to wait for me. When he saw me, he started shaking. My grin widened at the sight of his fear. Using my vampire speed, I hurried towards him. Before he could scream I sunk my teeth into his neck. He quickly fell limp, already not having much blood in him.

"What number was he?" Kai asked as he tossed the man's body he held into the dumpster.

"five or six," I replied as I tossed him next to the other man. "Where to now? I want more."

"I think it's time for us to head back," Kai said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Nowhere would let us in like this."

I looked down Kais chest to see his entire front soaked in blood. Looking at myself, I saw I was the same way. Smirking, I leaned closer to Kai. Sticking my tongue out, I gently licked the blood from his jaw to the corner of his lip.

Kai smirked down at me when I finished. His grip on my waist grew tighter, more possessive, as we headed to the parking lot.

Our old car sat near a fancy sports car. Kai and I had killed the people in the first car we saw. It was falling apart with every turn. The car next to ours was clean and new with the top down. Inside were two people talking. 

"Nice car," I said, skipping out of Kais grasp. "Can I have it?"

"No," The man at the wheel said as he raised his eyebrows. "Can you leave us alone?"

"I really want the car," I frowned.

The man went to say something else, but I leaned closer and dug my teeth into his flesh. The girl next to him screamed and tried to run. Kai sped over to her side and compelled her to stop screaming. When she quieted, he started drinking her blood.

After my victim was drained dry, I threw him out of the car. Kai did the same thing before jumping in the driver seat where I stood. Instead of moving around, I crawled over him to get into the passenger's seat.

Kai laughed before speeding out of the parking lot. The wind blew my hair around as we sped through the streets. On narrow roads with lots of cars Kai wove between them, not stopping.

On the backroads Kai drove even faster. I laughed as I put my hands up. Beside me, I saw Kai smiling over at me. Down on the speedometer I saw that we were over 100 miles an hour.

I hadn't put a seatbelt on, so I just stood. Holding onto the top of the windshield, I steadied myself. Kai pressed down harder on the gas making us go faster. I screamed with joy as the lights passed by me in a blur.

Taking my hands from the windshield, I raised them above my head. I couldn't stop smiling as the wind covered me. Feeling a hand on the back of my leg, I looked down. Kais hand rested on my calf as he peaked up at me.

"Want to go for a swim?" He yelled over the sound of the wind.

I nodded as I sat back down. Kai swerved onto a different road. We passed a sign reading Mystic Lake. Squinting, I could see a parking lot far ahead of us. Behind it was a small beach and a lake. Next to the parking lot was a hill that stopped above the lake with a drop off.

"Hold on," Kai said as he drove around the parking lot.

I grabbed his hand as he took us speeding to the top of the hill. The car sped over the top of the hill. In that moment I had no worries. I was flying above all the issues I faced as a human.

In a matter of seconds our car was falling into the lake. It quickly filled with the cold water and we let it pull us in with it. Once our car fell to the bottom, Kai pulled me up by our still clasped hands.

I gasped as we broke the surface of the water. Looking towards Kai, I saw his facing shining in the moonlight. He stared at me with an emotion I couldn't place. But it didn't matter. I was pretty sure my face held the same emotion.

Without warning Kai wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. At first I was startled, but quickly wrapped my arms around him. His lips tasted like cinnamon mixed with the blood that hadn't yet washed off in the water.

When we pulled back I couldn't help but giggle. Pushing him away, I playfully splashed him. He smiled and splashed back. My arms and legs moved to swim away, but Kai grabbed my ankle, pulling me back to him.

"Cant get away that easily," He said, his forehead resting on mine.

"I didn't think I would," I smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

His cheeks reddened making me take another look. I laughed and held his cheek.

"Is Malichai Parker blushing," I gasped playfully.

"Oh shut up," He rolled his eyes as his cheeks reddened more.

"I've never seen this side of you," I said as we started swimming back to shore.

"You never gave me the chance," He responded.

"That's because I had my stupid humanity," I said as I walked out of the water.

"Thank God you turned it off," He smirked, pulling me close to his soaked body.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his middle. As we walked I knew what I wasn't doing wasn't from my own free will. The sire bond, humanity switch and my lack of family all pushed me towards the maniac I was holding onto. But I didn't care. Whatever the reason, I was starting to fall for him and I was falling fast.

The PsychopathOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara