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"It's at Town Hall," Ranboo affirmed.

"With Schlatt," Tubbo added. 

Dream groaned. Of course, Wilbur would put the book somewhere in plain sight. The place was probably bombarded with traps, and if Dream tried to go anywhere near it, there'd surely be tons of hunters waiting for him.

Taking back the book would require the escort of his friends, since he knew without a doubt that things would get messy. He hated to ask for their help so soon after just apologizing, but it was fine, they'd already agreed to it anyway.

George was still on his lap, looking up at him with a frowning expression.

"Okay," Dream said into his phone. "Thanks for the info."

He was about to hang up, phone taken away from his ear, finger held right above the red button. But then he heard Tubbo ask, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah," Ranboo added. "We can help you get the book back."

Dream looked at George again. The brunette was still frowning, but only barely, and his hand was slowly moving up the blonde's arm, up to his shoulder.

"Dream?" Tubbo called out in lieu of a response.

Dream, however, couldn't answer because George's hand was slowly making its way to his throat. They'd done stuff before, obviously, but George acting like this was something that barely happened. Dream couldn't find it in him to look away.

"Dream?" Ranboo said this time.

Again, Dream couldn't answer because George's fingers were tightening around the sides of his throat and the brunette was looking down at him, grinning as if he didn't know what he was doing.

"Ranboo, he's gone AFK," Tubbo announced, voice derisive.

"Answer them," George mouthed, voice barely even a whisper as his fingers tightened the slightest bit.

Dream rolled his eyes, but did so anyway. "Uh, I'm here, sorry. Thanks for the offer, but I think I got it." He ignored the boys' protests and hung up the call.

"What are you doing?" he asked George, a sly grin appearing on his lips.

George pouted. "You interrupted our make-out sesh."

"It was important," Dream assured. "A call about how to finish off Wilbur."

George moved his hand around to the back of Dream's neck and tugged Dream's head downward so his mouth was extremely close to the brunette's neck. "Don't care. Didn't ask. Drink my blood now. I've been waiting for, like, forever."

"We did that a couple of hours ago," Dream complained.

George moved close. "Don't care. Do it again. You know you want to."

Dream couldn't argue with that. He really did want to. Anything involving George as of late had been too amazing to refuse, especially drinking his blood.

He sunk his fangs in, relishing in the taste of George's saccharine blood.

His blood was amazing, George was amazing, and suddenly in the midst of his blood stupor, he was realizing something he should have known all along. He thought George was amazing all this time because...

He didn't want to say it. He was stupid to have fallen for a human of all people. George would eventually grow old, die, and Dream would still be here, never aging. It was just a sob story waiting to happen.

He didn't stop George and his activity, though. He would be a fool to let something that good go to waste. Plus, he wasn't strong enough to deny such a man. George made him weak.

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