The Attack Unit Captain

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Atsumu was called in to the barracks two days after the meeting with the queen of Demoria, along with the rest of his unit.

Atsumu and Tetsurou walked to the barracks, and were met with the sight of the special forces unit, also known as the Isaronian attack unit.

Tetsurou was the head knight of the castle guard, and therefore he was to train up the soldiers for war.

Tetsurou said his goodbyes to Atsumu before going to discuss something with the captain of the attack unit, and finally heading out to the training grounds.

Atsumu glanced around at his friends.

The first person was freakishly tall, and he had a lanky but strong build. He had pale skin and short silvery-grey hair. His eyes were a bright light green, like raw emeralds glittering after being unearthed.

He had a pair of silvery-grey cat-like ears on the top of his head and a long similarly colored cat-like tail.

He carried a large double-edged battle-axe that was strapped to his back.

He was talking to a much smaller person who had a much more slender build. He had fair skin and short strawberry-blonde hair, along with light brown eyes that held a cold and cynical glare.

He had a pair of strawberry-blonde cat-like ears along with a long similarly colored cat-like tail.

He had a bow strapped over his shoulder and a quiver packed with arrows on his back.

The third person was also on the shorter, more slender side. He had tan skin and fluffy ginger hair. His eyes were a brown only slightly darker than that of the seashore after a storm.

He had big feathered black wings on his back, like those of a crow.

He had two daggers, roughly half the length of his forearms, strapped to his belt.

The fourth person was quite tall with a well-toned build. He was pale with short jet-black hair and eyes like the dark blue of the night sky.

He also had large crow-like feathered black wings that had razor-sharp blades fastened to the tips of the feathers.

The fifth person was on the shorter side with a slender build. He had pale skin and fluffy spiked jet-black hair. His eyes were the dark grey of stormy waters on the rough seas.

He had jet-black wolf-like ears and a long fluffy wolf-like tail tipped with white fur. He too was an escaped yokai, an inugami to be exact.

Strapped tightly onto his back were two blades that resembled Sickles which were attached by a chain.

Finally, the last person in the room was the captain of the Isaronian attack unit. He was of average height with a slim build and pale skin. He had straight shoulder-length blonde hair that was dark brown at the roots. His eyes were the golden-brown colour of polished bronze with a peircing glare.

He had dark brown cat-like ears and a long dark brown cat-like tail.

His claws were tipped with shiny steel blades that he could detach at will.

"Atsumu," the captain called out, "Glad to see you up and running," he said.

"I can't stay home at a time like this, Kenma," Atsumu replied blankly.

The captain, Kozume Kenma, sighed, "Broody as ever, I see," he commented.

The inugami came up behind Atsumu, "Leave him alone, Kenma," he said, "He's been through a lot."

The ginger-haired kid appeared next to them, "Kagi-san is right! Tsumu-san deserves to be a little bit shell-shocked," he agreed decidedly.

Akagi Michinari, the inugami, smiled though it didn't quite reach his eyes, "Thank you, Hinata," he said, earning a nod from the ginger boy, Hinata Shoyo.

"Hinata! We're going to war, don't be so enthusiastic," the other winged boy said.

"Kageyama! You're so mean..." Shoyo groaned, earning a scowl from the taller boy, Kageyama Tobio.

The two other boys walked over, the taller one wrapped a long arm over Atsumu's shoulders, "Seriously though, Tsumu, how are you feeling?" He asked.

Atsumu sighed, "I guess I'm feelin' okay... Thanks, Lev..." He replied.

The tall boy, Lev Haiba, smiled weakly in response right as Atsumu was pulled down by the shorter boy.

The shorter boy knocked Atsumu's hood off and ruffled his hair, "It's fine if you're feeling a bit down, Atsumu, we've all been a bit on edge ever since you and the king returned from Demoria," he said.

Atsumu nodded, "Thank ya, Yaku-san..." He replied quietly.

Yaku Morisuke, the boy with the bow, smiled softly, though his eyes seemed pained.

Kenma cleared his throat, "Alright everyone, it's time to begin with our sparring matches, the king has ordered us to be ready for a future infiltration mission," he announced.

Atsumu's eyes widened, "An infiltration mission? But why would we willin'ly go into Demoria??" He asked.

Kenma inhaled silently, "Demoria is a strong kingdom," he began, "In order to win an all-out war, Isaron needs to always be one step ahead of the enemy, therefore it is a priority that the Demorians' battle plans for the war are found and studied, and thus, his majesty, King Bokuto, has planned an attack that includes the infiltration of the castle and the retrieval of the plans without the Demorian authorities noticing," he explained, "As the only soldiers in Isaron who are eligible for this mission, we, the Isaronian attack unit, have been given these orders to carry out within the next three lights."

The team exchanged worried glances and Kenma cleared his throat to gain their attention, "I understand that we have not been on a mission since the previous war against Demoria, and therefore we are to train well if this mission is to be completed," Kenma said.

With that, the Isaronian attack unit made haste with the beginning of their training, working themselves to the absolute bone over the next three days.

They were fated to forgo a mission that had no guarantee of their return.

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Heyo =D

Anygays, bye!

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