A Lethal Duo

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Atsumu and Michinari drew their weapons and turned so that their backs were touching and they were facing outwards, towards the horde of vampiric soldiers.

Atsumu exhaled lowly as he watched the soldiers rise and glare at them, getting ready to attack.

"Meet your new training partner, Tsumu," a nineteen-year-old Tetsurou said as he stepped aside to reveal a small fourteen-year-old boy.

Fourteen-year-old Atsumu took in the boy's appearance, he was skinny and a bit shorter than Atsumu. He had fluffy jet-black hair that was spiked back and pale skin. His eyes were a stormy grey color.

The boy had jet-black wolf-like ears and a long fluffy wolf-like tail tipped with white fur.

"This is Akagi Michinari," Tetsurou said gesturing to the boy.

Atsumu blinked, a deadpan expression settled on his face, "Why do I need a trainin' partner?" He asked.

Tetsurou sighed, "Because, as much as I can teach you, you'll need someone who can watch your flank out on the battlefield," he replied, "Now, I'm going to leave you two to get to know each other, and Tsumu, be nice."

With that, Tetsurou walked away, leaving Atsumu with Michinari.

"Hey, your name is Miya Atsumu, right?" Michinari asked.

Atsumu nodded and hummed in reply.

"You're a kitsune?" Michinari asked.

"Mhm..." Atsumu replied.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" Michinari asked as he stepped closer to Atsumu, who hummed in reply again.

Michinari took Atsumu's hand and sat him down by the tree in the Kuroo residence backyard.

"You seem kinda down, wanna talk about it?" Michinari asked.

"No... Sorry..." Atsumu answered softly.

Michinari sighed, "It's alright, we just met and you've probably gone through a lot," he said, "But it's better if you let it out rather than keep it to yourself."

Atsumu's gaze drifted to the grass, but he stayed quiet.

Michinari sighed again, "If I tell you my story, will you tell me yours?" He asked.

Atsumu looked up at him expectantly, giving Michinari the go-ahead.

Michinari smiled softly as he turned his gaze to the landscape ahead of them, "I used to live in Demoria up until three months ago when the yokai eradication began," that caught Atsumu's attention immediately, "I'm a inugami, a yokai... I lived with my parents on the east side of the kingdom, and we were forced to flee when the soldiers came and started killing off the yokai... And we've been living in Isaron ever since," Michinari said, "I wanted to fight back so I used my time learning battle techniques, and that brings me here," he finished, "So you wanna talk about it?"

Atsumu nodded and gulped before he started speaking, "It was the day the yokai eradication started... I was out playin' with my best friend in the forest near the outer wall of the west side of the kingdom... It was gettin' late so I made my way home, but when I opened the door, there were two knights standin' over my mother and... She was dead, my twin was nowhere in sight an' the knights saw me so I ran... I made it to Isaron, an' the king an' queen took me in, after that I was adopted by Tetsu's parents an' he taught me how to use a sword," Atsumu finished.

Atsumu's eyes widened as Michinari pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Tsumu," he said.

Atsumu huffed a short, half-hearted laugh as he returned the hug, "It's okay, Kagi... I'm...okay..."

Atsumu and Michinari weren't anything like the ordinary Isaronian fighters, for one, they were yokai, demons.

They'd fought alongside each other in the first war two years back and they were fighting together since then.

"I have your back, Tsumu," Michinari said softly so that only Atsumu could hear.

"Right back at ya, Kagi," Atsumu replied.

Michinari gulped and nodded, even though he was out of Atsumu's line of sight, right before the vampiric soldiers attacked.

The first soldier charged towards Atsumu before he slashed his sword horizontally across Atsumu's neck, only for the kitsune to duck and swipe the soldier's feet out from under him.

With the soldier on the floor, Atsumu twisted the katana in his right hand and thrust it downwards through the soldier's heart.

"Tsumu! Duck!" Michinari shouted, to which Atsumu listened instantly and dropped into a low crouch, in time for one of Michinari's chained sickle-like blades to soar over his head and plunge into the heart of an incoming soldier.

"Kagi, behind ya!" Atsumu called as he caught a glimpse of a soldier moving up behind Michinari.

Michinari pulled his blade back and crouched in time for Atsumu to leap out of his position and over Michinari.

Atsumu twisted mid-air, and slashed his blade across the soldier's neck, slicing his head off completely.

Atsumu landed gracefully on his feet before he spun and swiftly sliced his blades through two other soldiers.

Michinari backed up against Atsumu as they watched more soldiers arrive.

Michinari bit his lip and lunged forward, swinging his blades by their connecting chain before letting one side fly directly into the skull of a soldier.

The blade was lodged in the soldier's skull, and Michinari decided to use that to his advantage.

A low growl escaped his lips as he pulled hard on the chain and swung the dead soldier on the end of the blade into a group of four other soldiers and sent them sprawling across the ground.

Suddenly, a katana came flying past Michinari's face and lodged itself in the left eye of a soldier that the inugami hadn't seen.

Michinari grabbed the katana and tossed it back to its owner, "Thanks, Tsumu," he said, giving a sharp nod in the kitsune's direction before he wrapped the chain around another soldier and strangled her.

"Always," Atsumu replied while he caught the katana and slashed his blades around in a blur of wrist-motions and twists, taking out a few more soldiers.

However, more soldiers arrived, and Atsumu grimaced, "Kagi! Let's do the whirlwind formation!!" He called.

Michinari grinned from where he'd just sliced another soldier in half, "Alright, bet," he replied before he sprinted towards Atsumu.

Atsumu dropped into a crouch and crossed his swords horizontally out in front of him.

Michinari sprinted towards Atsumu and jumped onto the blades of his katana, and as if on cue, Atsumu lifted his blades up and launched Michinari into the air.

Michinari twisted his body into a spin and held one side of his chained blades to swing the other side in a wide circle around him and Atsumu, quickly liberated the heads from the bodies of all the soldiers within a two-metre radius.

They fought valiantly and relentlessly, and they managed to cut the endless army down by just under a hundred soldiers, but in the end, they were overpowered.

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Me just vibing to some Rihanna while writing this: 😌👌✨✨

Anygays, byee!

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