General Of The Demon Guard

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Kiyoomi was awoken by the sound of a battle in the courtyard.

He groggily stepped out onto his balcony to be met with the sight of two unknown soldiers being restrained by the vampiric soldiers of Demoria's royal guard.

The two soldiers being restrained were definitely Isaronian but Kiyoomi could not recognize them from the distance.

Kiyoomi quickly turned away from the battle and made his way back into his room where he changed from his sleeping attire into his armor and cloak.

He wiped the remnants of sleep from his eyes before he began his search for Motoya.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened as he caught sight of his cousin holding a gorgon soldier high against the wall of the armory by her neck.

Motoya had a murderous glare in his eye and his fangs were bared, "I will ask you this once more, and it will be the last time, or I shall personally cut each and every viper from your head with a dull knife," he declared once Kiyoomi got within earshot, "So tell me, who authorized that ambush?" He snapped.

The gorgon soldier quivered, her viper locks trembling and turning away from the aggravated demon holding their owner against the wall.

"I-it was her majesty, Sakusa!" The gorgon cried out.

"Of course she did..." Motoya sighed and released his grip, allowing the gorgon to drop to the floor, panting for air.

"Thank you, you are hereby dismissed," Motoya ordered, which the gorgon followed instantly and scampered away, her viper-hair hissing nervously.

Motoya ran a hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh before he turned around and threw a dagger at pin-point accuracy right between the eyes of the portrait of Queen Sakusa that hung in the armory.

"Motoya?" Kiyoomi asked carefully.

Motoya jolted and turned in the direction of the voice, the murderous gleam in his eyes vanishing right as he recognized that it was Kiyoomi.

Motoya sighed, "You saw that, didn't you?" He asked.

Kiyoomi nodded, "Yes, I did," he confirmed, "So are you going to tell me what that was all about? And what was all the commotion in the courtyard?" He asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

Motoya sighed again and ran a hand through his hair, "We shouldn't speak of it here," he declared before he grabbed Kiyoomi's arm and dragged him back to his room.

Once they made it to Kiyoomi's room, Motoya closed and locked the door behind them before he placed his ear against the door and carefully listened for anyone in the hallway outside.

Once Motoya was sure that no one would hear their conversation, he turned back to a confused Kiyoomi and sighed.

"A team of Isaronians infiltrated the castle, but were stopped by an ambush of over a hundred and fifty vampiric soldiers ordered by the queen," Motoya explained as Kiyoomi listened quietly, "The team was made up of seven Isaronians, five of the seven managed to escape, but at the expense of two of them... Two yokai," Motoya said.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened, "Yokai?" He asked, his mind racing with worry for a certain kitsune.

Motoya nodded, "A kitsune and an inugami, quite young too, seeing as the kitsune only had eight tails, so I'd say they're around sixteen or seventeen years of age," he explained further, "They managed to defeat a good two thirds of the ambush team."

Kiyoomi began to worry more, "Did you see them??" He asked quickly.

Motoya shook his head, "No, this information was reported to me by the gorgon soldier who I was speaking to prior to your arrival," he answered.

Kiyoomi wasn't sure if what Motoya did to the gorgon could be considered 'speaking to', but he didn't care.

"We need to get them out of here, Motoya, they will most likely be executed within the next two nights," Kiyoomi said.

Motoya nodded, "My thoughts exactly," he agreed, "But we can't just fly out of Demoria with two prisoners of war without raising a few questions," he explained, "Our best bet would be to break them out tomorrow at nightfall, but, Kiyo, you'll have to understand that once we do this, we cannot return to Demoria, or..." Motoya's voice trailed off but Kiyoomi knew exactly what his final words would have been.

" mother will have us executed," Kiyoomi finished, earning a nod from Motoya.

"That's right, we both know this, but it still needs to be said, your mother is a vile, merciless woman," Motoya stated, "We will be committing treason, she will not spare us even if we are family, therefore we cannot return or be caught," he finished.

Kiyoomi stayed quiet as he processed this information, it was nothing new to him, but it was still a lot to think about.

"So, Kiyo, what will it be? Help the yokai escape and never return to Demoria, or stay here and watch the yokai be executed under your mother's command?" Motoya asked with a raised eyebrow.

It was a very large decision to make, but Kiyoomi's heart was focused on one person and one person alone, a certain yokai kitsune.

Without a second thought, Kiyoomi knew his answer, "We are going to help the yokai escape, and then we will fight for Isaron," he declared.

Motoya chuckled, a wide grin spreading across his face, "Why did I expect anything less?" He asked rhetorically, "Well then, Kiyo, tomorrow at nightfall it is," he said, "We're going to Isaron, make sure you get enough rest, you'll need it for the flight."

Kiyoomi nodded before Motoya said his goodbyes and left.

Kiyoomi laid down on his bed and closed his eyes.

"Where have you been?" Thirteen-year-old Motoya asked as he watched Kiyoomi fly up onto his balcony from the forest near the western wall of Demori.

Kiyoomi jolted at the sound of his cousin's voice, "I- Uh..." He stumbled, not knowing what to say.

Motoya raised an eyebrow, "You...?" He asked expectantly.

Kiyoomi sighed, "I snuck out," he answered.

Motoya narrowed his eyes, "Oh wow, I couldn't tell," he said sarcastically.

Kiyoomi scowled, "Come on, Motoya! I just wanted to get away from... All of this," he said, gesturing to his room.

Motoya huffed a short laugh, "I'm not going to tell the queen, Kiyo, so stop worrying," he said.

Kiyoomi let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks, Motoya," he replied.

Motoya smirked, "Always, Kiyo," he said, "So what did you do during your adventures outside the castle?" He asked.

Kiyoomi smiled softly, "I made a friend..."

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So I'm running out of ideas for these author's notes so I'm just going to start asking random questions lol 😗✌️

So what's your favorite color?
Mine's blue 💙

Anygays, byee!!

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