Soon To Be Queen

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Atsumu and Michinari were walking through the streets of Isaron.

It was two weeks after the war and the citizens of Isaron were throwing an enormous festival to celebrate their kingdom's victory.

The streets were decorated by different colored lights that danced in the cool night air, and the wondrous aromas of different kinds of delicious foods were floating around.

"I missed this," Michinari said suddenly while he smiled and waved at a child passing by who waved at him.

Atsumu hummed in agreement, his dark cloak billowing in the light breeze while he walked, and his hood pulled up to cover most of his face, "It feels good to have a bit of peace for once..." He replied.

Michinari nodded, "How's Kiyoomi?" He asked, glancing at Atsumu.

Atsumu exhaled softly, "He's still in Demoria at the moment," he answered.

Michinari sighed, "He's been there for the few days, yeah?"

Atsumu nodded, "He has to sort out a few things before the yokai can go back," he replied, "Though, many yokai have started lives here in Isaron, so I'm not sure how many will go back."

"So he's not going to be here for the festival?" Michinari asked.

Atsumu shook his head, "No, I don't think so," he answered.

Michinari frowned, "That sucks," he pointed out and Atsumu snorted.

"I'm okay with it..." Atsumu said, "He's workin' hard to bring peace to Isaron an' Demoria," he explained.

"Still, that sucks," Michinari insisted but jolted when someone took his hand.

"Hey, Tsumu, can I borrow Nari for a minute or two?" Motoya asked with a grin.

Atsumu smirked, "Sure, don't let me stop ya, Mori," he answered, and Motoya gave him a nod of thanks before he dragged Michinari away.

Atsumu smiled softly while he watched them go, silently wishing that Kiyoomi was there with him.

Atsumu shook his head at the thought, Kiyoomi was in Demoria making sure that yokai would be treated equally by the people, and Atsumu couldn't be selfish.

Atsumu's gaze drifted to the cobbled road and he let his hood fall further over his face while he walked, because it was once again that he felt like an outsider in Isaron.

All of a sudden, something grabbed Atsumu and he was hoisted high into the sky above the kingdom.

Atsumu's hood fell off and rested at his shoulders, bathing his face in the silvery light of the moon and exposing his golden-blonde fox-like ears.

Atsumu tensed and closed his eyes, whoever it was that grabbed him was holding onto him tightly with their arms wrapped around his waist.

It was then that Atsumu recognized the familiarity of the arms holding him around his waist, and he hesitantly looked up to be met with eyes that were a green so dark they seemed to be black.


Upon his recognition, Atsumu immediately wrapped his arms around Kiyoomi's neck and buried his face in the demon's chest.

Kiyoomi chuckled, "I missed you too, Atsu," he said, placing a soft kiss on Atsumu's forehead.

"Ya scared me!" Atsumu whined, punching Kiyoomi playfully.

"Sorry," Kiyoomi said with a laugh, "I thought I'd surprise you," he explained.

Atsumu looked up to glare at him, "I was surprised, alright," he replied with a playful air of hostility.

Kiyoomi smirked, "Come on, don't give me that, I know you're more than happy to see me," he said, leaning closer.

Atsumu grumbled and turned away to avoid eye-contact, a bright red blush spreading across his cheeks.

Kiyoomi chuckled at Atsumu's pouty expression, but was surprised when Atsumu grabbed his face and pressed his lips against Kiyoomi's.

It took a second for Kiyoomi to kiss back, his grip unconsciously tightening around Atsumu's waist while he returned the kiss.

Atsumu pulled away, breathless, and pressed his forehead against Kiyoomi's, "Yer right, I am happy to see ya," he said.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened before his facial features softened again, his heart tripping over itself while he gazed into Atsumu's beautiful honey-colored eyes.

Kiyoomi smiled while he began to fly towards the castle, perching on the roof with Atsumu sitting next to him.

Kiyoomi wrapped an arm around Atsumu's waist and pulled him close while the kitsune intertwined their fingers and leaned his head on the demon's shoulder.

"How're things in Demoria?" Atsumu asked.

Kiyoomi stroked the back of Atsumu's hand lightly with his thumb, "Well, yokai should be able to go back without a problem now," he answered.

Atsumu smiled, "I'm glad..."

Kiyoomi took a deep breath before he let ho of Atsumu's hand and reached into his pocket, "You know, while I was in Demoria, I grabbed something for you..." He said.

Atsumu's attention was now on Kiyoomi and he tilted his head questioningly, "What is it?" He asked.

Kiyoomi swallowed, somehow more entranced by Atsumu then ever.

Kiyoomi looked down at his hand while he brought it out of his pocket, the object he retrieved from it glinting in the moonlight.

Kiyoomi took hold of Atsumu's left hand and slid the object into his ring finger.

The object in question was a dark intricate ring with a large blood red ruby center stone.

Atsumu's face flushed, "O-Omi..." He stuttered.

Kiyoomi smiled weakly, "I know, it's probably too much, but I just wanted to give it to you, because.... As the new king of Demoria, I was serious about making you my queen," he explained.

Atsumu's eyes began to water, with everything that had happened in the past two weeks, he'd almost forgotten about Kiyoomi's promise to make him queen.

Atsumu looked at the ring, and choked back a sob before he dove into Kiyoomi's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Kiyoomi took the liberty to connect their lips in a sweet but loving kiss that seemed to last hours even though if was only a few seconds.

Suddenly, the loud bang of fireworks shocked the couple and they jolted back away from each other with wide eyes before they burst out laughing.

Atsumu moved back towards Kiyoomi and rested against his chest, watching the bright explosions of different colours in the sky.

Kiyoomi wrapped his arms around Atsumu's waist and kissed the skin behind his ear, causing Atsumu to shiver.

Kiyoomi smiled, "I love you, Atsumu," he said.

Atsumu closed his eyes, a content smile forming on his face, "I love ya too, Kiyoomi," he replied.

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They're so fluffing cute wtf-

Anygays, bye!

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Kingdoms Fall (SakuAtsu Royalty/Fantasy AU) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ