Victorious Isaronians

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The atmosphere was tense while the Isaronians waited for Atsumu and Michinari's return from the battle with the oni.

They were still in the same place they'd been when the yokai duo ran into the forest with the two bloodthirsty oni on their tail fifteen minutes prior.

They had been watching the treeline hopefully, waiting for any signs of a kitsune and an inugami coming out and running towards them, but now they were beginning to lose hope.

However, as a strange golden light neared the treeline, the Isaronians couldn't break their eyes away.

Relief flooded through them as soon as Atsumu crashed through the treeline with a wide smile on his face, dragging an equally ecstatic Michinari by the hand with the golden sparks of electricity trailing behind them.

They ran towards the group, who stared wide-eyed at their appearances, the melted, warped and damaged armor, and Michinari's left arm dripping with blood from a large wound on his wrist that went all the way up his forearm.

Kiyoomi was the first to return to his senses and he stepped forwards, opening his arms right as Atsumu let go of Michinari's hand and crashed into him.

Kiyoomi caught Atsumu and hugged him with his arms tightly wrapped around Atsumu's waist while the kitsune's arms hooked around his neck.

Kiyoomi picked Atsumu up and spun him around in a circle before he kissed him and lowered him back to the ground.

Tetsurou playfully narrowed his eyes at Kiyoomi, but huffed a short laugh when Kenma placed a hand on his shoulder.

Tetsurou smirked and rolled his eyes before he took Kenma's hand and pulled him into a kiss.

Kenma stared wide-eyed with reddened cheeks at Tetsurou who smiled at him.

Koutarou was cheering for Tetsurou until Keiji gently grabbed his chin and leaned up to kiss him, quickly distracting the Isaronian king.

Tobio wrapped an armored wing around Shoyo and pulled him closer to wrap an arm around his lower back before kissing him softly on the forehead.

Shoyo smiled up at Tobio and snuggled into his warmth.

Lev slung his battleaxe over his shoulder and strapped it to his back before he bent down and lifted Morisuke onto his back, briefly kissing his cheek before turning back to the scene in front of them.

Michinari watched his friends with a soft smile on his face while Motoya came to stand next to him.

"Damn... Being single is rough," Motoya said right after he watched his cousin pull away from Atsumu and they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

Michinari snorted, "Tell me about it," he agreed.

Motoya grinned, "I doubt you have anything to worry about though," He started, "With looks and a personality like yours, not to mention your insane fighting spirit and skills, I have no doubt that both guys and girls are going to be practically throwing themselves at you," he said with a shrug.

Michinari's face burned bright red, "What does that mean?" He asked.

Motoya pursed his lips to suppress a another grin because now Michinari was looking at him, "Hmm... What I mean is that there could be quite a few people who are interested in you romantically, Nari," he explained, "Myself included," he added on the end.

If Michinari wasn't blushing before he definitely was now, "What? Y-you-"

"Can I kiss you, Nari?" Motoya asked, cutting Michinari off mid-sentence while he took the inugami's hand.

Michinari swallowed and nodded, not trusting himself to speak because he'd probably blurt out something embarrassing if he did.

Motoya smirked, one of his hands taking hold of Michinari's waist while the other gently lifted the inugami's chin up before he connected their lips in a soft kiss.

Michinari immediately relaxed in Motoya's hold, melting into the kiss while his hands reflexively wrapped around Motoya's neck.

The war was over, Queen Sakusa was dead, and the Isaronians won.

"Kiyoomi, do you mind stopping the battle?" Koutarou asked.

Kiyoomi reluctantly let go of Atsumu and turned to Koutarou with a smile, "Of course, your majesty," he answered.

With that, Kiyoomi spread his wings and flew high into the sky, to the point where he could see the whole battlefield clearly.

There were still a few hundred Demorian soldiers fighting with the Isaronians.

Kiyoomi exhaled lightly, "Here goes nothing..." He muttered.

"Citizens of Demoria," he called, his voice booming across the battlefield and stopping all the soldiers in their tracks, "Queen Sakusa has been defeated," he announced and all the Demorians looked at him in shock, "There is no reason to continue this battle," he said, "For I, Sakusa Kiyoomi, next in line for king, command you to lay down your weapons in peace," he commanded, and the Demorian soldiers immediately listened to their new king.

Koutarou flew up next to Kiyoomi and observed the Demorian and Isaronian soldiers all sheath their weapons at once and look up at them, "I believe that Isaron and Demoria are down for a long overdue alliance?" He asked.

Kiyoomi chuckled, "Definitely," he answered.

Koutarou smiled and offered a hand, "Well then, King Sakusa, I do believe that our kingdoms are now at peace," he said.

Kiyoomi returned the smile and shook Koutarou's hand, "It may take some time to convince the people and reverse the teachings of my mother, but I agree with you, King Bokuto, our kingdoms have finally found peace," he replied.

Koutarou chuckled, "Yes, of course," he answered.

With that, they both drew their weapons and turned back to the soldiers watching them down below.

Simultaneously, the two kings rose their respective weapons with large smiles on their faces, "To an alliance between Isaron and Demoria," they shouted in unison.

A loud roar of cheers erupted from the remaining soldiers on the battlefield while Kiyoomi and Koutarou flew back down to the others.

The moment Kiyoomi landed, he made his way towards Atsumu, who smiled widely at him.

Kiyoomi pulled Atsumu into a hug, "It's over, Atsu..." He said softly, "The war is finally over."

Atsumu smiled and exhaled softly, "I love ya, Omi," he whispered.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened before his facial features softened, "I love you too, Atsu, my queen."

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Y'all think this is the end? Well, yes and no, I'm really enjoying writing this book so I'll write one or two more chapters, but it's ending soon enough.

Anygays, bye!

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