Captain Of The Royal Guard

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Tetsurou walked across the training grounds for the kingdom's army, carefully inspecting each soldier's form and technique while they sparred with one another.

Tetsurou had a completely focused expression on his face, he was to train up the troops and ready them for the battle against Demoria, and that was no task to be taken lightly.

Tetsurou was snapped from his thoughts when he heard a cry of pain originating from the western side of the training grounds.

Tetsurou's attention flicked towards the source of the sound, his gaze landing on a young soldier standing over a wounded one.

Tetsurou furrowed his eyebrows and made his way over to the two trainees while a crowd gathered around the pair.

Tetsurou shoved his way through the crowd, and he emerged in the centre, only to see the wounded trainee being threatened by the one standing over him.

"May I ask what all this commotion is about?" He asked, his voice raised just loud enough to slice through the whispering and gossiping, causing everyone to freeze.

The soldier would stood over the other scoffed and turned to Kuroo, "Oh hey, cap, I was just showing this weakling how a true swordsman fights," he said with a grin.

Tetsurou's eyes narrowed and he glanced down at the wounded soldier before his cold stare returned to the standing soldier.

"You call yourself a true swordsman, yet you wound your opponent dishonorably, in training no less," Tetsurou said, his voice deathly calm.

"H-he doesn't know how to fight, sir! I was just proving that a weakling like him would bring dishonor to Isaron," the standing soldier said pleadingly.

Tetsurou scoffed, "That is not how things work in Isaron," he said, "You claim yourself to be a true swordsman, yes? Then prove it by claiming victory in a duel..." He said, a small grin tugging at his lips.

The soldier laughed, "Put whoever you choose against me, I'll win," he said with a smirk.

Tetsurou chuckled lowly, "No, I'll be your opponent," he said.

The soldier's eyes widened, "S-sir?" He asked unsteadily.

Tetsurou sighed, "Well, since you think you're supposedly the best swordsman this kingdom has to offer, let us see how well you hold against the true holder of that title," he explained before he grabbed the wooden training blade from a nearby trainee.

Tetsurou stepped closer to the soldier who stared at him with fear in his eyes.

The soldier shakily raised his wooden training blade with two hands and attacked.

The soldier tried to slash at Tetsurou's throat, only to be blocked by Tetsurou's blade and forced backwards with a sharp flick of the captain's wrist.

The soldier advanced again, this time going for Tetsurou's stomach, though his attempt was effectively shut down when Tetsurou side-stepped the blade and hooked the tip his wooden sword under the hilt of the soldier's.

He twisted his arm, thus twisting the training blade from the soldier's grip and efficiently disarming him.

The training blade clattered to the ground, and with one quick swipe of his blade, Tetsurou sent the training blade skidding across the floor away from them.

Tetsurou took a step forward, the tip of his wooden blade just under the soldier's chin.

"You are no better than any other soldier in this room," Tetsurou said lowly before turning to the rest of the trainees, "I hope this goes to show that no matter how good you think you may be, there will always be someone better, we are in this war together, and you all are to train your hardest to become stronger," he said, "So tell me this, do you fight for Isaron, or yourselves?"

"Isaron!" The trainees shouted in unison.

Tetsurou smiled faintly before he nodded and returned the training blade back to its owner, "Alright! Everyone back to work!" He commanded, the trainees following his instruction instantly.

While Tetsurou was assessing the soldiers' training once more, he caught a glimpse of a familiar blonde with steel-tipped claws leaning up against a tree on the edge of the training grounds.

Tetsurou huffed a short laugh and made his way towards the captain of the Isaronian attack unit.

Kenma was simply observing the soldiers train when Tetsurou stepped up next to him, "Look what the cat dragged in," he said, glancing up at Tetsurou.

Tetsurou scoffed and shook his head, "Are you not supposed to be training the attack unit right now?" He asked, ignoring Kenma's statement.

Kenma sighed, "There's not much more I can do to train them, they're already the best in the kingdom," he replied.

Tetsurou was quiet for a bit before he finally asked, "And Atsumu?"

Kenma sighed, "His skills are as sharp as ever, but I believe I have your teachings to thank for that," he replied.

Tetsurou seemed to be contemplating something before he answered, "I meant mentally," he said simply.

Kenma blinked, his gaze drifting over the training grounds, "He seems to be doing okay, but there's not much I can do to help him mentally and emotionally prepare himself for this mission," he answered.

Tetsurou hummed in agreement, "Atsumu is one who finds a way to get a grip on his emotions on his own, he always has... Sometimes I don't know if it's for the better or the worse," he finished.

Kenma huffed a short laugh, "I understand what you mean," he said, "Sometimes he scares me with how he can maintain his cool head in the midst of a battle," he replied.

Tetsurou let out a small smile, "Yeah, he's like that," he agreed.

They stood there in a comfortable silence for a while before Kenma spoke again, "We should train together sometime, one captain to another," he suggested.

From the corner of his eye, Kenma saw Tetsurou smirk devilishly, "Sure, it's a date," he said before walking towards the training grounds to assess the trainees.

Kenma's face heated up as he watched Tetsurou walk away, his heart pounding in his chest like a runaway stallion.

Kenma took a deep breath to calm his racing heart before he took his leave to check on his team.

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Don't mind me just sneaking some KuroKen in there 😌👍

Anygays, byee!

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Kingdoms Fall (SakuAtsu Royalty/Fantasy AU) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ