The War Has Begun

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Atsumu was sleeping peacefully in Kiyoomi's arms under the big oak tree in the Kuroo residence backyard.

Atsumu had fallen asleep right before the sun rose an hour prior, and Kiyoomi was quietly admiring him sleeping peacefully in his arms when a loud horn was blown from the watchtowers by the main gates of the kingdom.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened, "Atsu! Wake up," he said, shaking Atsumu awake.

Atsumu slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, "What's wrong, Omi-kun?" He asked groggily.

Kiyoomi looked at him with worried eyes, "The horn went off, Demoria's attacking," he answered quickly.

As if he was splashed with cold water, Atsumu was completely awake and already getting out of Kiyoomi's hold.

"Shit! Already?" Atsumu exclaimed before running towards the house with Kiyoomi right behind him.

They ran inside to see Tetsurou already awake, and Motoya rushing out of his room looking like he also just woke up.

Tetsurou looked over at them and grabbed a few apples off the table, of which he quickly tossed one to Atsumu before tossing one in Kiyoomi's direction, and then in Motoya's direction as well.

They all caught their respective apples and looked at Tetsurou, who was fully armored with a grim look in his eye.

"Get your armor on and your weapons, and meet us at the main gates," Tetsurou directed the three of them quickly before he rushed out.

Atsumu, Motoya and Kiyoomi exchanged worried glances before they all darted in the directions of their rooms, quickly donning their armor and grabbing their weapons.

Roughly five minutes later, Atsumu was sprinting at full kitsune-speed through the streets towards the main gates of Isaron.

Above him, the two royal demon cousins flew as fast as they could, barely able to keep up with Atsumu.

Everywhere around Atsumu, the citizens of Isaron were frantically running around, trying to grab as much as they could before they headed to the inner walls of the kingdom to take shelter.

The trio reached the wall within thirty seconds.

Atsumu spotted Keiji on the wall and leaped off the ground, silently landing next to him as Kiyoomi and Motoya landed on either side of them.

In the distance, they could see the Demorian armies marching towards them.

Thousands of Demorian soldiers, a multitude of species ranging from gargoyles to wendigoes, marched towards them with more than lethal-looking weapons and equally terrifying grins on their faces.

Kenma ran up next to them with the rest of the Isaronian attack unit closely behind him with grim expressions on their faces.

Keiji looked down at the gates and exhaled slowly at the sight of the Isaronian armies lining up and ready for battle.

At the front of the army was Tetsurou and Koutarou, both atop their horses and leading the armies towards the enemy.

Kiyoomi subtly took Atsumu's hand and intertwined their fingers, "We'll win this, Atsu," he whispered.

Atsumu nodded, but Kiyoomi could tell that it was forced, so he gently took hold of Atsumu's chin with his free hand and connected their lips in a gentle but loving kiss before pressing his forehead against Atsumu's, "I mean it, Atsu, we'll make it through this," he insisted.

Atsumu smiled weakly, the smile not quite reaching his eyes but Kiyoomi could tell it was genuine, "Thank ya, Omi..." He replied.

Kiyoomi exhaled lightly, "Only for you, my queen," he promised.

Atsumu closed his eyes, hearing the horn blow before he could reply.

Atsumu turned back to face the oncoming armies, the enormous kingdom gates closing down below them.

Atsumu felt a hand on his soldier and he looked over to see that it was Keiji, though his gaze was trained steadily on the soon-to-be battlefield, "Please, little yokai, I know it's not my place but..." He started, his voice trailing off as he looked down and bit his lip before continuing, "Please... I know you've helped this kingdom so many times before, but I have to ask you to kill those oni," he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, but Atsumu heard it clearly, "Or else they will bring destruction to Isaron..."

Atsumu turned fully to face Keiji and he bowed his head, "I will, yer majesty," he promised.

"Thank you, Atsumu," he said before he reached under his cloak, "Now I can focus on protecting my kingdom," he declared.

Atsumu's eyes widened as Keiji brought out two long, bladed chain-link weapons that were each attached to a handle on one end which Keiji held firmly in either hand. The chain-link weapons were roughly two and a half meters long and both ended in a sharp blade. They were chain whips.

Down below them, a few meters in front of the armies of over a thousand Isaronian soldiers, Koutarou and Tetsurou were carefully watching the Demorians marching towards them from atop their steeds.

"Hey, bro?" Koutarou called suddenly.

Tetsurou's attention snapped towards Koutarou, surprised to hear the old nickname, "What's up?" He asked carefully.

Koutarou's gaze was steely while he balefully watched the Demorian armies.

"If I don't come back from this war, tell Keiji that I love him, and promise me that you'll finally take Kenma on that date," Koutarou requested.

Tetsurou blushed slightly at the last part but he furrowed his eyebrows at the first part, "You're going back to your queen and we're avenging our parents," he snapped.

Tetsurou's hand curled into a fist and he lifted it towards Koutarou, "Come on, dude, we're in this together," he said, "We'll survive this."

Koutarou closed his eyes and let out a low chuckle before he lifted his hand in a fist to meet Tetsurou's, "If you say so, man," he replied.

Tetsurou grinned, "I don't say so, I know so," he said.

Koutarou shook his head and chuckled, his gaze drifting back to watch the Demorian armies, "I don't see the oni," he pointed out, "From what Motoya told me, it should be quite obvious of which ones they are..."

Tetsurou hummed, "With luck, they don't arrive at all," he answered and Koutarou silently agreed.

Koutarou took a deep breath right before a high-pitched whistle rang through the air and the Demorian armies charged forwards.

Koutarou unstrapped his weapon from his back, a single-sided glaive, and held it high, "For Isaron!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

The rest of the Isaronian army unsheathed their weapons, "FOR ISARON!!!" They roared in unison as Koutarou and Tetsurou led them into battle atop their galloping horses.

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Ohhhh I'm excitedddd

Anygays, bye!!

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