The Ambushed Attack Unit

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Atsumu sat in the backyard of his home on the soft green grass beneath the canopy of a large oak tree, watching the sun dip slowly towards the horizon, which signaled that the inevitable mission was soon to come.

The date for the mission was set, and the attack unit were to leave by sunset in order to arrive at Demoria by nightfall.

Atsumu sighed as he watched the sun settle on the horizon, seeming to teeter on the edge before officially beginning to set.

After a second of hesitation, Atsumu stood up and picked up his katanas from where he'd left them on the grass before pulling his cloak hood over his head and making his way towards the kingdom gates.

The rest of the Isaronian attack unit were already there readying their horses.

Tetsurou was also there, talking to Kenma before the attack unit were to leave.

"You'll protect Atsumu for me, yes?" Tetsurou asked quietly, seeing Atsumu walking towards his horse.

Kenma nodded, "I will, Kuroo," he promised.

Tetsurou smiled softly, though it didn't quite reach his eyes, "And don't die on me, you still owe me that date," he said.

Kenma flushed but nodded, "I won't," he replied defiantly, "Now go say goodbye to your brother, Kuroo, we may not be back until morning and I think he'll need some encouragement from you," he said.

Tetsurou huffed a short half-hearted laugh, before he walked over to Atsumu.

Atsumu looked up at Tetsurou with a blank expression and Tetsurou bent down to be eye level with him.

"What're ya doin', Tetsu?" Atsumu asked with a deadpan expression on his face.

Tetsurou scoffed and poked Atsumu's forehead, "I've been your brother for three years, Tsumu, I can tell when you're not feeling okay," he replied.

Atsumu didn't say anything he just stared at Tetsurou.

Tetsurou sighed and ruffled Atsumu's hair, "You'll be fine, jusy stay safe, okay, Tsumu?" He said.

Atsumu facial features softened and he moved forward to pull Tetsurou into a hug, which the taller returned immediately.

"I will, Tetsu," Atsumu replied.

Tetsurou smiled and sighed softly, "Thank you, now go get those battle plans," he said.

Atsumu grinned and nodded before he mounted his horse, and with that, the Isaronian attack unit were on their way to Demoria.

The moon hung high in the starry night sky when the attack unit finally reached the outer walls of the kingdom of Demoria.

They quickly tied their horses and silently made their way to the wall.

They made it to the bottom of the wall, and Kenma signaled Shoyo to scout their surroundings from the air.

Shoyo gave a sharp nod and kicked off of the ground, his cloak billowing in the wind that was created by the flapping of his wings.

When Shoyo returned, he informed them that the top of the wall was clear, and with that information, they began to scale the wall with Shoyo and Tobio flying up just ahead of them.

They made it to the top of the wall and quickly leaped on to the roof of a nearby house to begin their journey towards the inner wall of Demoria that housed the castle, the lively marketiers of Demoria failing to notice the perfectly trained footfalls of the Isaronian attack unit just overhead.

In a matter of a few minutes, they'd made it to the inner wall, which they began to climb with utmost care and silence.

They got to the top of the wall and dropped down on the other side, barely making a sound upon landing on the cobbled courtyard floor.

Kenma signaled them to stop before they could break into the castle, "Something's not right..." He whispered, barely audible, "It's too quiet, continue with the mission but stay close... Keep your eyes open."

Without audibly acknowledging Kenma's command, the members of the Isaronian attack unit shifted their positions so that they were covering all angles that they could have possibly been attacked from.

They made their way towards the center of the courtyard, there were no signs of guards at any posts at all.

All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps thundering on the courtyard cobbles came from all directions, and before they knew it, they were surrounded by an army of vampiric soldiers.

They heard a loud cackle from a balcony above them.

There she was, Queen Sakusa, in all of her glory, smiling maniacally down at them, "I see you made it, Isaronians," she said darkly, a grim smile spreading across her face, "Guards, they are not to leave these walls alive," she commanded before turning and leaving the balcony.

At the command of their queen, the vampiric soldiers attacked.

"Shoyo! I need you to inform Kuroo," Kenma shouted.

Shoyo nodded instantly and ripped his cloak off, his wings spreading to their full breadth before he launched into the sky like a rocket, weaving between the spears and arrows hurtling towards him.

Shoyo shot over the top of the wall faster than a bullet being launched from a mortar.

With Shoyo out of sight and on his way to Isaron, the rest of the Isaronian attack unit were left to fight for their lives.

The vampiric soldiers charged towards them, and Yaku quickly whipped out his bow and launched three arrows right through the heads of a trio of oncoming soldiers.

Lev ripped his battle axe from its harness on his back and sliced it horizontally, ramming the blade through the face of an oncoming soldier before nearly cutting another soldier in two.

Michinari unclipped his chained sickle-like blades and jumped towards a soldier.

He wrapped the chain around the soldier's neck before he crossed the two ends of the chain and pulled, causing the two blades two flick backwards, decipating two other soldiers while Michinari snapped the neck of the soldier with the chain wrapped around him.

Atsumu unsheathed his twin katanas in one motion and mercilessly slashed his blades across the throats of a group of soldiers before twisting his body past another few soldiers which he efficiently immobilized by slicing their Achilles tendons with one sharp slash with his blades.

The soldiers Atsumu took out crumpled to the ground in pain right before Kenma put them out of their misery with his steel claws.

Kenma spun around just in time to dispatch another soldier with a harsh slash upwards over the length of his torso with his claws.

Tobio ripped off his cloak, revealing his razor-sharp steel-tipped feathered wings.

He fanned his wings out and cut down a row of soldiers before he flew forward with a powerful flap of his wings, spinning as he sliced through another oncoming group of soldiers.

With that, all the Demorian soldiers were downed or dead, but the Isaronians' triumph was short-lived as another, much bigger horde of soldiers charged towards them.

The Isaronians were forced to continue their battle, but their spirits plummeted when the pained cry of one of their own rang over the sound of relentless fighting and bounced off the walls of the courtyard.

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Wee woo wee woo 🏥🚑💨
Yes, this ^ is foreshadowing 😐

Anygays, byee!

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