Chapter 51

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Hey guys! How's life? Is life good?

Nightmare Moon, it's good to see you're back!

xxXScotsbritXxx, it was you and another reviewer who I know for sure read this to your kids, and that is perfectly fine. I'm glad you guys love it; it just made me realize that I might have a younger audience than what I had originally thought, so I try to tone down my swearing because of it. I know I avoided the question you asked in your last review because I don't like putting answers that pertain to the plot on here. Some people really don't want spoilers. I'll answer any questions your children have if you give me a PM.

Guest, where I live, our duct tape is literally spelled 'Duck Tape'; it is the name of that product in all our stores. However, I wasn't referring to that specific brand, so thanks for pointing it out; I fixed it.

Unknown, I despise Romeo & Juliet, and all spoofing movies of it. I cannot handle that level of stupidity romance; I can barely handle romance at all. So, no. No, Romeo and Juliet. I had enough of it in high school. XD

thesecondoreo, I love that song as well.

Guys, Pogona104 made a very valid point in the review, and I went back and corrected my biological error. Reptiles do not cycle, but they do have breeding seasons. Thank you for saying something!

Kim K's butt...I just had to write your name on here.

Thank you to the others who pointed out some spelling errors; I do go back and correct that stuff.

Finally, thank you much and mighty for your reviews, for reading this story, and being you. I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Love you guys! I really do!


"Nokia Dinosaur."

Bridges pressed his lips as he quickly tightened his tie; he was late. Of all the things to be late to this was the worst event to pick. His investors had been incredibly patient with him, and it was imperative that he redeem himself by at least showing up for the first training session.

Bridges knew full well that Elise did not have to do this. He was very aware that he wasn't in a position to force Elise to do anything.

Elise had absolutely no reason to be as polite or as cooperative as she had been, and Bridges did not intend to burn that bridge; no pun intended.

He hadn't meant to oversleep, but his damned phone decided to die. It was charging now, and then Clementine had called. Bridges, under no circumstances, would ever miss a call from Clem; she was more important than Elise as far as he was concerned. She wasn't having a good day, but she kept her spirits about herself; Bridges liked that.

Clem had reason to complain, but she never did.

The blonde hair was smoothed back; it was a little more feathery today because he had run out of gel. Today was not his day, but he would power through it. Seeing Elise train would make his day better, and maybe he could get to know her a little better.

There was something alluring about Elise and her innocence. Bridges didn't see her in a provocative manner, but he felt like he could relax around her. She didn't seem to care what power he held; she treated him like she would everyone else. She never tried to get on his good side, but responded reasonably with how he acted around her.

She told him no.

Bridges couldn't stop his grin; it had been a long time since anyone had, not only called him out on something they didn't approve of, but also scolded him for it. Elise was a funny character; she stuck up for what was right. He had tripped that kid. It was more for a laugh than anything else, but he had been mildly curious as to how the gentle giant would react to seeing a little kid cry.

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