Secret entrance

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Scott slowly opened his eyes and looked outside, the storm seemed to have stopped and now there was snow building up on the ground and on roofs. He sat up in his bed, looking around for a second before remembering what had happened the day before.

Panic washed through him as he jumped out of bed and frantically ran around his room, getting ready to leave.

Once he was ready, Scott left through the front door as quickly as he could, not wanting to waste another second.

It was stupid, he knew there was a chance Jimmy wouldn't even be there, a chance Xornoth had taken him somewhere more secluded, but it was all Scott had to go on, so it was worth a shot. If there was even a small chance Jimmy was there, he needed to try.

The walk there seemed to take forever with Scott's constant worries of what would happen to Jimmy. He had no idea what his brother was capable of now, he still didn't even know what had happened.

He reached the outskirts of Rivendell, immediately becoming familiar with the path leading into the forest. It had been years since he had even stepped foot into these woods, as they grew up they began going less and less, finding knew hobbies in the meantime.

Scott put the thoughts away, taking a step into the familiar lands. He looked around and realized he didn't remember the way, it had been so long that any memory he had of the path there had vanished.

He looked down to the path, hoping to find any clues as to where he had to go. Looking closely, he noticed that there were footprints leading further into the forest. They looked fresh, as if someone had walked through there recently.

Scott turned to look back at the distant buildings of Rivendell, then back towards the footprints again, contemplating whether to follow them or not. It could just be someone walking through, he didn't want to get his hopes up too much, but he couldn't ignore the possible clue either.

His mind made up, he ventured further into the forest, carefully following the path through the trees until they came to a stop in front of a rocky mountain, vines dangling down the sides. It was just a dead end.

He turned to leave, but just as he went to take a step away he heard yelling. Scott quickly spun back around, a confused look on his face. He gave a quick glance in every direction around him, but it was dead quick in the forest.

The elf turned his attention back to the mountain, the vines swaying in the wind. That's when he saw it, the small opening between the vines, like they were hiding the entrance to the cave.

Scott's interest peeked as he slowly pulled away the vines and took a step into the familiar cave. Almost instantly, a hand clasped over his mouth and he was pulled against his will.

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