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Request from blizlady

Swellview High
Zane: *holding chapa's hand* *walking down the hallway* It's better when you do it
Chapa: *blushing* You really think so?
Zane: Chapa, I know so
Bose: *whispers* [mimicking Zane's voice] Chapa I know so
Miles: *nudges bose*
Zane: Sorry babe but, I gotta go now *kisses her cheek* love ya *leaves*
Chapa: Bye Zaney
Bose: pfft, "Zaney"
Mika: What's ur problem?
Chapa: He's been acting like this ever since I started dating Zane. I just dont care anymore *taps Bose's nose*
Bose: *flinches* Its just not fair!
Miles: What's not fair?
Bose: A guy like Zane, doesn't deserve a girl like Chapa
Both girls: What's that supposed to mean?
Bose: Zane is a TOTAL play boy! And you're...*thinking twice before admitting hes feelings infront of everyone*...chapa *shrugs*
Chapa: I'm gonna pretend we never had this conversation and leave. Byeeeee
Mika: Same here, c'mon miles
Miles: On my way! (Turns to bose) You know man, u gotta tell her some day
Bose: Now's just, not the time
Miles: Kay, bye

Chapa's house
Chapa got into her PJs and jumped onto her bed. She turned on her phone, and received a text from Bose


Hi. Wassup?•

•Nun. U with uh...Zane?

No. Why?•

•Just asking for asking

Uh-huh? Okay. U got something to tell me or...?•

•It depends. U got something u wanna hear?

Not entirely•

•Wanna come for a sleepover at my house tomorrow?

Bose, really?•

•Come on, pleeaaaaaassssseeee?
•Just for two nights...


•Pretty please, sparky? 🥺🥺

😤fine. I'll ask my parents...but only 'till Saturday ayt?•

•Yay! 🥰I knew you'd give in

Just go sleep🙃•

•And you go try to🤭

Ha ha,😑 very funny bose, u know I can't •


I hate you🖤👅•

•Aww love u too❤

Chapa smiled at the message, and for some reason it made her feel happy

Gud night❤•

Chapa and bose both went to sleep in a good mood. The next morning, it was the basic "get yourself ready for school routine".0 Mika woke up the earliest among the four kids. Next comes bose who decides to eat before taken a shower. Then miles who wakes up later than every normal kid but still manages to be ready in time. And lastly chapa, who doesn't sleep at all...and I she does, doesn't get enough of it and isn't ready for the day at all but gets through with it cause well...she's chapa

One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें