Happy Birthday!¡

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I'm alone.



I'm not surprised though. My friends keep leaving me behind or forgetting I'm alive these past few days.

It's starting to feel normal.

But it's okay really. They're giving me an opportunity to...to uh...connect with my new friends and spend more time with my sister and family...


What good friends I have. The best too.

There they were, walking ahead. Without me. Laughing and chatting. I wanted to join the conversation but it would look so pitiful and it's not worth it.

"I was thinking we should--" Mika started off so energetically but when she turned around and saw me, her light bulb turned off and she said, "go to the next class immediately. I have chemistry." She shoved her hand on her locker, looking for her book. Looking so awkward.

Bose did the same, instead he looked really nervous.

Miles agreed with her, "Yeah you're right. I have phys. Ed. See ya." He left in a split second. Mika speed walked the opposite direction.

The only one left was Bose.


"Hey Bose," I leaned on the locker next to his: mine. His eyes glanced between me and his locker. "What's up?"

"N-nothing," Bose avoided my eyes. "What makes you think we're planning something?"


"I didn't say you were." I raised an eyebrow. "Where're you going?"

"To class." He answered and started walking.

I followed him. "Not that. Your plans. What are you going to do?" I asked him.

He looked at me and back to the hallway. "Nothing. No where. Gotta go." He walked in the class and sat on the seat Mika saved for him.

Guess what? She didn't save a seat for me. It's okay. I'll just sit at the back, no biggie.


"Hi honey. How was school?" My mom asked me as I dragged my feet upstairs.

"Terrible. But who am I to complain if no one will even listen when I talk?" I smiled and shut my door.

I probably shouldn't have said that out loud.

I dived on my bed and moments later, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Bose.


Where did you say we were going tomorrow again?
I need to know where to leave Chapa on her big day

Thats when I realised it wasnt for me.

What are you talking about dingus?●

●Oh uh...
I butt-texted. My bad

Then he deleted the messages and popped out of my direct message.

I sighed and looked at my calendar.

Friday 19th November.

That's today.

One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)Where stories live. Discover now