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Chapa: Check it out! Dandelions!
Miles: You make wishes on dandelions?
Chapa: Its not like I believe in them. I just do it to pass the time
Mika: Kinda sus but I want to, so let's go!

She pulled Chapa in the direction of the dandelions as though she was the one that spotted them. Bose remains looking stressed and Miles was disappointed
Chapa and Mika: *giggling in the background*
Miles: You know, sometimes I wonder why they mock us for being so "immature"
Bose: Y-Yeah. Me too
Miles: Are you okay man?

Before Bose could say anything, Chapa came running with one in her hands
Chapa: Go ahead, make a wish
Miles: I'd rather not
Chapa: Your loss

She closed her eyes for a moment, then when she opened, she blew on the flower and it flew across Bose's face. He flinched then giggled
Chapa: What's up with you?
Bose: N-Nothing. I totally didn't laugh when the dandelion brushed my ear because I'm ticklish *awkward laughing*
Chapa: Ah-huh? So you wouldn't mind if I...

She placed her hand behind his ear and tickled it. And he started laughing
Bose: Okay okay stop! I am ticklish! Like extremely! *laughing*
Chapa: *stops* Is that so?
Bose: Oh no no, I didn't mean--
Chapa: *laughing*

She chased Bose and they went into the field. Bose kept running, then he slipped on a pebble and fell down. Chapa dived on him and started tickling him, and he was dying
Bose: *laughing* No no no Chapa! Please stop!
Chapa: *laughing* But I wove those cute wittle dimples!
Bose: *laughing* I-- if you dont stop I'll-- I'm gonna-- *snorts* *laughs* *snorts*
Chapa: Aw that was cute. Who has a cute snort? You do. Yes, you do
Bose: *laughing* Chapa! I swear I'll do anything you want
Chapa: Anything?
Bose: Yes!
Chapa: Okay...stop begging me to stop and let me tickle you till you pass out
Bose: WHAT?! *laughing*

She went to his feet and removed one of his shoes
Chapa: I wonder how much you'd laugh if I tickled here

She traced her finger under his soft foot, just above his heel
Bose: *giggling* I'm gonna laugh so hard
Chapa: Oh really?

She used her fingers to "dance" on his foot and toes. Bose went crazy. He was rolling all over the ground
Chapa: *laughing* Stop moving! I can't tickle you that way
Bose: *laughing* That's the point!

Mika, from a distance, called for them, telling them to stop playing around and go. But Chapa didn't listen. She didn't care one bit. She was having a moment with Bose, and she liked it
Chapa: How about something else? *stops tickling him*
Bose: *recovering from laughter* thank you

She crept under his shirt, he flinched and blushed. Then she kept her hands on his waist
Bose: *blushing* Chapa?
Chapa: *giggles*

She started tickling him again, and he started to die again
Bose: *laughing* Whhyyyy??
Chapa: *giggles* Will you still do anything?
Bose: Yes, yes *snorts* ofcourse!
Chapa: Snorting already? This must be ur most ticklish spot *tickles him more*
Bose: *laughing* Chapa!
Chapa: Compliment me
Bose: You're really beautiful *laughs* and funny. And I like your eyes *laughs* I get *laughs* lost in them, everytime I *snorts* look at you
Chapa: Aww, keep going
Bose: You're an *laughs* amazing girl *laughs* LULA ELENA *laughs* CHAPA DESILVA IS *laughs* THE HOTTEST GIRL IN THE WOLRD AND I LIKE HER VERY MUCH!! *laughs*

She was dazed. She stopped tickling him and just stared at him as he recovered from the tickles
Chapa: You think...I'm hot?
Bose: Ofcourse. Who wouldn't?
Chapa: Everyone
Bose: Well they're blind then. Cause you really are. And that's one of the reasons why I like you
Chapa: *blushes* Y-you like me?
Bose: Very much
Chapa: Then...why haven't you ever told me before?
Bose: Becuase I was afraid you don't feel the same way
Chapa: You could've tried
Chapa: Tell me, you like me
Bose: Chapa, I like you
Chapa: I like you too Bose
Bose: *blushing* You're not just saying that are you?
Chapa: Bose, what would I honestly gain after lying?
Bose: I don't know, you tell me
Chapa: Well, I mean it. I do like you

Bose smiled and let out his dimples. The sight made her smile too
Chapa: Bose...?
Bose: Yeah...?
Chapa: You said anything right?
Bose: Yes but, you've already stopped tickling me so I don't see the point--
Chapa: Kiss me
Bose:...I mean, if you insist, there's nothing I can do but obey *shrugs*

He sat up and Chapa was on his laps, still not off him from before. He slicked his hair back and licked his lips. Chapa blushed. He placed a hand in her pink cheek and leaned in. Just as his lips touched hers, Miles interrupted. He was running and screaming from a distance
Miles: Guys! We have to go!
Chapa: *rolls eyes*
Bose: *sigh*
Chapa: Don't mind him. Let's just...start over

He placed his hand back on her cheek and leans in. Then Miles arrives
Miles: *breathless* We've got...a mission
Chapa: Go sort it out yourselves! *sparks*
Bose: Easy sparky...but seriously Miles!
Miles:...now, I have to ask...what's happening?
Chapa: Uh, I'll tell you what's not happening, OUR MOMENT!! *gestures towards her and Bose*
Miles: Ohhh I get it...my bad, my bad...you may proceed
Chapa and Bose:....
Bose: Uhm, Miles
Miles: What's up?
Chapa: You may leave
Miles: Right. My bad, my bad

He walked a good distance away from them. Bose puts his hand back on Chapa and leans in. He barely meets her lips when the second twin came shouting
Mika: Mission remember? *sonic screams*

Chapa fell off Bose and Bose fell backwards when Mika sonic screamed them
Chapa: That's it!

She stood up and headed towards Mika. Bose, shoeless on one foot, quickly stood up and stopped her from reaching Mika like in the ^Bilsky's Billions^ episode.
Mika: What's up with her?
Miles: They're trying to have a "moment"
Chapa: Which isn't happening, because of you two!
Bose: Chapa! Enfriar! ("Chill" in Spanish)
Chapa: But--
Bose: Chapa!
Chapa: Ugh! But only because I want to and not because you told me to
Mika: Fine then, have you're moment. But you only get 2 minutes! *shows them two fingers*
Chapa and Bose:...
Mika: What are you doing? You're wasting time!
Bose: Eh-hem
Twins: What?
Chapa and Bose: Leave!
Twins: Okay!

They walk off the field and wait for them there. Bose turns back to Chapa
Bose: Now where were we?

Chapa gets Bose's hand and placed it on her cheek
Bose: Right

He leaned in and this time, without hesitation, he joined his lips with hers. They felt soft and tasted like sugar. He felt shivers come across his spine. Chapa felt as though her stomach was doing backflips. She deepened the kiss, not long after she reciprocated, by letting her tongue taste the inside of his mouth. Bose placed his free hand on her waist and brought her closer. He caressed his hands all over Chapa's body, making her flinch with pleasure. She placed her hands on his face as they took short breaks between the kiss that lasted not more than a second. They let out tiny little moans, enjoying their first kiss that they never wanted to end. Then Mika arrived, planning on breaking them up
Mika: Guys, let's go!

She used her powers on the word "go" and Chapa used her powers and shot lighting in her continuously. When Mika finally stopped screaming, Chapa stopped shooting lightning. Chapa and Bose parted lips and started slightly panting
Mika: Great, lets go now. Ray's already there and he's furious

Bose wrapped an arm around her and Chapa leaned on him as they followed Mika behind, unhurridly


One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)Where stories live. Discover now