"Not" dating ( Now "Clearly Exposed" Dating) Pt.2

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"Oh, you're so stressed," Chapa noted as she massaged Bose's shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"I have to babysit the Mayor's snobby spoiled 7 year old son tonight." Bose sput.

"How come?"

Bose sighed. "All political something somethings have a party to attend."

Mika and Miles just walked in. "Hey guys! Pop a gumball, the Vice Mayor's gonna call just about now."

And as they were transforming, the Vice Mayor video called.

AWOL answered the call.

"Evening Danger Force. I called you because I have a very important meeting to attend to, to which my son is not invited."

Brainstorm furrowed his eyebrows.

"The Mayor's son needs a babysitter and since Bose's not invited, I figured he could babysit him. You know, because he's not invited."

Volt sparked. "Get to the point Willard!"

"I need someone or someones more responsible. Like you Danger Forces," Willard tagged on his sleeves. "Go to the Mayor's house, take care of the kid and I'll pay you when we get back." He cut the line.

AWOL narrowed his eyes. "Aren't there butlers for this kid or something?"

"Right?" The others agreed in unison.

"Great. He's not even going to tell me about the change of plans." Brainstorm waved his arms in the air frantically and Volt rubbed his back.


As they entered, they found a kid head deep in playing on his console that he didn't notice them come in until Mika gushed. "Hey buddy!"

"Huh? Oh my god, it's Danger Force!" The boy came running to them. "You're my babysitters?! Thank god it's not that boy Bose."

"Yeah, he's probably thinking the same." Brainstorm said quietly.

"What's your name fella?" Shout Out, the only one who seemed interested, bent down towards him.


"You're so cute, Levi." She gushed.

"Not as cute as this cupcake," he walked towards Volt. "What do you say we ditch these losers and have dinner, Volt? My treat."

Volt tried to contain a chuckle when she looked at the face Brainstorm made. "I'm taken. Sorry Levi."

"If you come with me, I can make you forget about him." He winked.

Shout Out was stunned, AWOL was speechless, Brainstorm was rolling up his sleeves and Volt was stopping him. "Keep playing on your console, yeah?"

He was more than glad to skip to the huge sofa and continue his game.

Brainstorm grunted. "I hate that kid."

Volt chuckled. "Relax, he could never steal me from you." She kissed his cheek.

A dreadful hour later, their phones buzzed; it was a crime alert.

"Whose gonna take this?"

"I will!" Brainstorm raised his hand. "Anything to get away from here." He dashed out of the room.

One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)Where stories live. Discover now