Rebekah Pt.2

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Chapa: You're the one dating bose?!
Rebekah: And ur that poor girl from the elevator. How cud u make a gorgeous boy wear such a disgusting...thing?
Chapa: Oh ho ho u want a piece of me *taking off her hoops and walking towards rebekah*
Rebekah: Bring it on! *walking towards chapa*

Mika and miles stop chapa from going far. Bose stops rebekah from trying to reach chapa. Chapa starts to spark and miles hides it
Chapa: When I get my hands on u I will--
Mika: *covering her mouth*
Bose: [to rebekah] careful! That's my--

He cut himself off because he was about admit who his TRUE girlfriend
Bose: Best friend. Now please. Go Rebekah
Rebekah: Eh-hem *lays her hand out*
Bose: *sigh* *gives her his wallet* There. Use as much as u want just, please dont come back here again okay? I'll be coming to you
Rebekah: *counting money* sure. Bye bosey *leaves*
Chapa: Only I CALL HIM THAT!! *zaps the door*
Bose: We need to think of ways to make her break up with me, and fast

Bose placed his arm over chapa's shoulders and kissed her cheek to calm her down which she did
Mika: Dont give her money
Bose: But she asks for it everyday
Mika: The more times you get to say no
Others: Ohh
Miles: Dont take her shopping. She seems like the type of girl that likes to fill her closet with shoes and clothes and Pucci belts
Chapa: Those are actually nice
Mika: Yeah Pucci's cool
Chapa: Oh and dont pay for her wifi *smiling* she'd so leave u if u dont have [sounds boogie] unlimited wifi
Others: *giggles*
Bose: But what if she doesnt break up with me?
Chapa: Then I'll make her *sparks* in her hospital bed *smiles*
Mika: No
Bose: Chapa, you cant kill my vice step dad's investor's daughter
Chapa: I wont kill her, I'll just...leave her half dead
Phone dings
Chapa: Who was that?
Bose: My vice step dad. He's asking why I'm not home with him and Rebekah
Miles: How did she get home so fast?
Bose: Probaboy the private jet I hired for her yesterday

Chapa got angry and removed Bose's arm from off her shoulders
Chapa: You hired. A freaking private JET. FOR HER?!
Bose: Listen! When she asked, her dad was right there and MY dad was there and I couldnt refuse infront of their faces
Chapa: *clenched her teeth* I cant BELIEVE you!

She tried to walk away but Bose pulled her arm and brought her close to him
Bose: Hey, hey, woah, hey...chapa, please remember that this is all temporary okay? Nothing and no one in this world ESPECIALLY my vice step dad, will stop me from loving you chappy...I love you more than anything, including my life okay?
Chapa:...okay. I hear you
Bose: *smiles*
Chapa: *rolls eyes playfully*
Bose: *blinks twice*
Chapa: What?
Bose: I'm waiting
Chapa: *hugs him* I love you too you big dingus *lets go*
Mika: [to miles] You CANT tell me their relationship isnt so cute
Miles: [to mika] Tell me about it *wipes a fake tear from his eye*
Bose: I have to leave now, bye guys
Miles: Later
Mika: Bye bose
Bose: [to chapa] Sweety, I'll see you tomorrow?
Chapa: *nods her head*

Bose left and chapa laid on her back on the ground
Mika: Are you okay?
Chapa: Some idiot girl is dating my boyfriend, OFCOURSE IM NOT OKAY!! And I cant hurt her too!...UGH!!

Sparks flew across the floor, electrocuting the people standing a little
Twins: Ow! Chapa!
Chapa: *stops* My bad...hey! *jumps up* I think I have a way to get the money from the investor AND stop Rebekah from dating bose!
Miles: Does it involve violence?
Chapa: *sparks* Define, violence
Twins: * give each other worried looks*

The o'Brien house
*bose's bedroom*
Rebekah: *on the phone*

Bose was bored to death face first on his bed. With a pillow covering his ears to block out the sound of her voice but, it didn't seem to work. He groaned and grabbed his phone, wanting to talk to chapa. Her remembered her phone situation and groaned even louder
Rebekah: Bosey, cud u groan less loud? I cant hear my friends tell me how beautiful I look

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