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"So, none of your friends know that we are coming?" I ask, walking next to my brother. He grins, opening the door to that leads into The Hard Deck.

  "Nope." He says, letting me walk in first.

  "Phoenix is gonna be pissed." I comment, observing the bar.

  "I'll deal with it." He says, waving off my concern. I roll my eyes, pinning my handed down aviators to my Hawaiian shirt.

"You have fun, Bradley, I am headed towards the bar." I say, cutting through the crowd away from the pool table and towards the bar. I plop down in an empty stool, tapping my foot on the ground. I am a tall girl, nearing five foot ten, and my long legs easily touch the floor.

  "Can I help you?" The woman behind the bar asks, tearing herself from the conversation with an older man in a flight jacket.

  "Just a root beer, please." I say, resting my elbows on the bar. "It's too early to get into the hard stuff."

  She winks at me, grabbing a glass.
  "It's always five o'clock somewhere." She says, pouring the soda in the glass before handing it to me.

I nod my thanks, sticking a straw into the dark drink and taking a sip.

I watch the pilots interact, feeling my heart hurt a little. The pilots have an unspoken click that doesn't include a tall, lanky 24 year old girl who is still trying to figure out what to do with life.

  I take a sip of my drink, almost choking when Jake makes eye contact with me.  I swallow quickly, glancing away, pretending not to notice the handsome pilot.

I wonder if he recognizes me. I think. Probably not, considering the last time he spoke to me was three years ago.

  I down the rest of my drink, glancing at the ice remaining.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in a place like this?" A voice asks, and I look up into the face of a man. He is in his early thirties at least, and I want to gag.

"Trying to avoid creeps." I say casually, looking away. I glance around for the barista so I can pay and get out of here, but she is helping a customer at the other end of the bar.

"Aww, come on baby, you don't really think I am a creep?" He says, leaning towards me. I lean away. I smell alcohol on his breath.

"Maybe not, but you have definitely had too much to drink." I say, looking towards Bradley. He has his back to me, and I move to stand.

"I'm sorry, but I have places to be—" I say, letting out a yelp when he touches my arm. I jump away, surprised when I come into contact with a person.

A gentle arm wraps around my shoulders, and I look up into the face of Jake.

"Is this guy bothering you, sweetheart?" He asks, his eyes on the man. I swallow, nodding.

"I've got it." I say, attempting to pulling away from him.

"I insist." Jake says, pulling me with him, glaring daggers at the man. "Fucking creep."

The man stares after us, surprise on his face.

  "Hands off my sister, Hangman." Rooster says, yanking me away from him. Jake raises his eyebrows.

  "I can see who got the looks in the family, Rooster." He says, winking at me. I roll my eyes.

  "He was helping me, dickhead." I say to Bradley, stepping away from my brother and tugging on my shirt.  "I hate bars. They always have some weirdo hanging around."

"Be nice, Brooke." Phoenix says. "Hangman isn't that creepy."

She pulls me into a hug, and I hug her back, glancing at Jake. He seems amused by the whole situation, sipping on his beer.

"Thank God you are here." Phoenix whispers. "The masculine energy was becoming too much for me."

"What would you do without me." I tease the older woman. She grins.

"I might go insane. You never know." She says. She pats my back. "It's good to see you, Brooke. I've missed you."


Brooke Bradshaw

  "It's not my fault he is hot!"

Jake 'Hangman' Seresin

"Relax, Sweetheart, I'm not gonna kill him."

Robert 'Bob' Floyd

"I'm actually a Weapons Systems Officer."

Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw.

"You better not hurt my little sister."

Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace

"We're dead, dickhead."

"Why is it always the assholes who are hot?" I ask as I laid on Phoenix's bed, playing with her stuffed bear.

The pilot wrinkles her nose.
"Hangman? Seriously?" She asks. I shrug, watching her shove clothes into a dresser.

"It's like a childhood crush- thing. For some reason, I remember him being a bit nicer and less.." I trail off. Phoenix raises her eyebrows.

"Less of a idiot?" She asks, plopping down on the bed next to me and stealing her bear back.

"Yeah, pretty much." I say, sighing. She grins at me.

"Well, there is always Bob." She says.

"Aww, I love Bob." I say, grinning. She laughs, standing.

"I'm going to go shower. You can hang out in here to hide from the guys." She says. I nod, rolling over and pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"I have to head to the hotel soon, anyhow." I say. "We are still trying to find a place for me to stay."

"I'm sure Hangman's room is always open for you." She says, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

I glare at her.
"Natasha, I'm a virgin." I say. She grins.

"Again, I'm sure Mr. Childhood Crush would be willing to fix that for you."

"Go shower, you idiot!" I exclaim, throwing the bear at her. She catches it, sticking her tongue out at me, before leaving the room.

I laugh to myself, opening my phone.

Thank God for Nat. I don't know what I would do without her.

Note!! This is a very fast paced book— I had to fit the plot of the movie.  It isn't at all realistic, hope you enjoy anyways!

Ahhhh yet another TopGun fanfic! We all love Bagman, so this is perfect!

Go check out my Iceman and Bob fanfics as well!

Votes and comments are appreciated!!


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