Playing Chef

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I groan as the morning light filters through the thin blinds, putting my arm over my eyes.

  Why can't I just sleep my whole life?

I groan again, pulling myself into a sitting position and peering around the small hotel room. The tv is still on, playing the news from when I had it on last night.
The newscaster is a woman with the face of a horse, saying something about blue skies and sunshine expected.

I reach for the remote, yawning as I turn off the television, reaching for my phone. I have a text from Bradley, telling me that they should be finished training at around three.

I clamber about of bed, taking a second to make my bed neat before moving to open the blinds. I stare out at the parking lot, letting out a breath.

I think place has a nice pool and gym. I should go search for them to waste time.

I slowly get dressed, playing music from my phone. My life basically revolves around music, even though I don't play instruments. It's the one thing in my life that never changes.

I dance to Taylor Swift as I get dressed, singing into my hairbrush. I put my hair in a messy bun, sticking my tongue out at my reflection.

I stare at the map on the door, searching for the pool in this small hotel. It isn't listed, even though I know they have one. I sigh, crossing my arms.

I almost fall over my blue bike trying to get back to my bed. Bradley dropped it off with me last night, and I am pretty sure it isn't even supposed to be in my room. Oh well.

I glance at the clock, picking up my pace even though I have nowhere to be. I stuff my few possessions into my backpack, pausing as a picture falls out of the pocket. I frown, bending to pick it up.

It is a image of my father and Bradley, who is on his shoulders. I smile at the Dad I never got to meet, running my finger over the picture, which is faded and worn from years of being pulled out and looked at. I'm surprised at how much Bradley looks like him now, with their matching mustaches.

At least Mama and dad are together now.

"Hi dad." I whisper. "I miss you."

Everyone says he liked music, too.


  "Hi, Bradley." I say as I answer my phone, my eyes trained on the candy isle in the super market.

  "Hey, sis." My brother says. "Where are you?"

  "At the grocery store." I say, grabbing a box of milk- duds from the wall. "Should I make dinner for the gang?"

  "I mean, you can if you want." He says. "Military food is crap. You can use the barracks kitchen, too."

  "Got it." I say, pushing the cart. "Anything exciting happen?"

"Yeah, actually. Maverick is here." He says. I freeze.

  "Really?" I choke out.

  "Yes, he's teaching us." He grumbles. "I had to do two hundred push- ups. Hey, Brooke, I have to go. See you tonight?"

  "Y-yeah, see ya." I say, and the line becomes dead.  I wipe my eyes, letting out a shaky breath. Holy crap.

  I walk down each isle, collecting ingredients for a taco bar. I'm not sure what everyone likes, so I'm being safe, picking mild ground beef seasoning instead of spicy.

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