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(Every time I see this gif I fangirl Istg—)

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(Every time I see this gif I fangirl Istg—)

He stares at the test, his mouth opened in shock. He runs his fingers through his hair, glancing up at me, before looking back down at the test.

And I stand in front of him, my breath loud in my ears.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

He looks up at me, his eyes searching my face.

"This is a prank." He says slowly.

I shake my head, looking at the floor, choking back a sob.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, but when he laughs, and I look up, startled.

"Holy shit." He says, laughing, grabbing my hands.
"I can't believe..." he trails off.

"You're not mad at me?" I question, eyes wide as he uses his thumbs to wipe away the tears on my cheeks.

"Why would I be mad?" He asks, joy in his tone as he pulls me into a hug. "God, I can't believe this."

"No, you don't understand." I say, pulling away.

"We." He cuts in. "This is just as much my fault as it is yours."

"We screwed up. I- I'm pregnant, with your child—"

"I should sure hope it is my child." Hangman says, a smirk on his handsome face. "I'm assuming it's not Coyote's... he's a married man—"

I can't help it.

I laugh.
"Freaking hell, Jake, I'm trying to speak here."

He shrugs, his hands on my lower back.
"Go on, sweetheart. I'm listening." He says.

"I'm pregnant, we're not married, I don't have a steady job, you are going to be on a carrier on the fucking Indian Ocean in a matter of weeks, I... I..."

  He smiles at me, and my brain is blank.

  "Hey, it's okay." He says, gently pressing his hand to my stomach.  "We'll work it out, together, okay? You aren't alone in this, Brooke."

  "I'm just so fucking stupid." I mutter, resting my forehead on his chest.

  "You?" He says, laughing. "I'm the one who got you knocked up. I'm the stupid one in this relationship."

  He's suddenly quiet, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

  "Good lord, Brooke, I'm gonna be a father."


The morning sickness returns the next morning. I sit in the bathroom, head in my hands, slowly breathing in and out of my nose.

  I didn't wake Jake this morning— it's four am, he doesn't need to be up.

  My stomach twists, and I lean towards the toilet.

There's quiet knocking at the door, so faint I almost wonder if I imagined it.

  "Come in?" I ask hesitantly, and Phoenix steps in, closing the door shut behind her. She plops down next to me on the floor, leaning against the bathtub.

  "Well?" She asks. "What was the result?"

I sigh, rubbing my scalp with my fingers.
  "Positive." I whisper, and a sigh escapes her lips.

  "Oh, Brooke." She says. I nod, shuddering.

  We are both silent.

  "What did he say?" Phoenix asks, and I look at her, meeting her gaze.

  "He's excited." I whisper, straining my eyes to make out my reflection in the mirror. "He's so excited. He couldn't sleep last night."

  She sighs, rubbing her eyes.

  "I never liked him, you know." She says slowly. "But I believe he will take care of you."

  "That's what he said. And I know I'm being stupid, but...." I trail off. "I feel like this one mistake will ruin my life."

  "It won't." Phoenix says, placing a hand on my arm. "We are all here for you. You know that, right?" I nod.

  She gives me a smile.
  "If it's a baby girl you have to name her after me." She says, laughing. "All the crap I do for you." 

  I chuckle, wiping my eyes for what feels like the thousandth time in the last day.

  "Of course, Nat. I could only hope that she would be half as amazing as you."

  Her eyes well with tears and she pulls me into a hug.

  Hours later, I am sitting in the kitchen. The house is quiet and empty. I'm munching on saltines when Fanboy and Payback rush in, excited.

They are speaking so fast that I can't catch what they are saying. When Bob walks in, I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Care to translate?" I ask, munching on a cracker. Bob pulls up a chair, turning in backwards before sitting down, a leg on each side of the stool.

"Maverick did the impossible." He says, grinning, leaning forward on the back of the chair. "The mission is a go. I think we are headed out tomorrow night."

I smile.
"Good. You all have trained hard."

"And Maverick is gonna be mission leader." My brother says, striding into the room with Phoenix trailing after him.

"Which is much better than Hangman." Phoenix says, nodding.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Jake says, stepping into the room. Bradley shoots him a grin, and Jake returns it.

   "Congratulations, you guys." I say, smiling tiredly at them. "Are you ready to crush it?"

  "I'm damn sure we are." Coyote says, and a chorus of agreement goes up in the kitchen.

"We should go to the hard deck." Payback says. "Celebrate completing our training."

"Let's do it." Bradley says, pulling Phoenix up from her seat.

"I'll be the designated driver." I say quickly, getting out of drinking alcohol as fast as possible. Jake looks at me knowingly from across the room, and I give him a small smile.

  I stand up, and everyone begins to files out, laughing and shoving each other. I stand up, slipping my hand into Jake's as I exit the kitchen, and he slings an arm over my shoulder, laughing.

  Well.... I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I feel like my writing is so terrible right now.

  It's okay. :P

  Question of the day:

  Would you be a Weapons Systems Officer, or a pilot?

  In all honesty, I would prefer being a Pilot, but I would probably be a WSO.

Like Bob. XD


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