Chapter 10

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Damien had been trying his hardest not to feel so impatient, but it was obvious that he was as he continuously tapped his palm against his thigh, waiting for Mr Rudiger's arrival again today.

After a few moments of checking his watch at intervals, and almost giving up, Damien stood up wanting to go get some lunch, when his secretary abruptly walked into the office.

"Yes?" Damien questioned, a brow lifted and he listened as she finally informed him of Mr Rudiger's arrival.

A sigh of relief and satisfaction escaping his lips, Damien immediately ordered her to let him in and his face straight at the door, he looked up in anticipation for when the door would swing open.

"Give me good news." Damien said, the minute he entered, totally ignoring the presence of the other man who accompanied Mr Rudiger.

He frowned when he saw Mr Rudiger take off his glasses and rub his forehead, as he then proceeded to talk.

"We have been tracking the Connors like you requested, but so far we haven't been able to get any information on the immediate family, or how their empire crashed. It's almost like they all vanished into thin air."

Damien's face crumpled in anger, his jaw ticking at this half naked news.

These past few days he had been having sleepless nights, memories of Madison plunging in from every angle and he had also looked forward to this report and this was what he was getting?

A frown marred his lips, and sneering he said, "That's all you've come up with? It's been days, and every single minute I've been looking forward to your report and you come here, to tell me this? I'm starting to think you're not the right person for this job. I need something beneficial, something fast that would aid me in the long run."

Mr Rudiger slowly nodded, a look of remorse on his face but he wiped it off and speaking further he said, "Fortunately we were able to get a hold of some of the shareholders of the dissolved company."

"Huh?" Damien leaned forward at the mention of that positive piece of information, his shoulders up in anticipation.

He needed something, anything at all that would give him the vial piece of knowledge he needed. If he didn't know how the empire crashed, or where the rest of the Connors were, he would not be able to carry out the sweet revenge he was concocting.

And that wasn't something he could live with.

"Yes, we did get a hold of them, but... But unfortunately, no matter how hard we prodded, they blatantly refused to disclose anything to us."

Damien's brows furrowed in confusion, as he wondered what they were so adamant about. All of this was getting more complicated with each passing day and he was already getting frustrated.

"Mr Paul here has a reasonable explanation for that though. Which is why he's with me today. He will be aiding me in the investigation from now. I thought to introduce him to you."

If it were something else Damien would have been angry, at Mr Rudiger for taking this step without informing him prior, but now he just didn't care.

He needed to sort this out immediately, and any additional help, pride aside would be greatly appreciated.

Nodding briefly at the other man who had already taken out a document from the folder he held, Damien stretched his hands on his office desk waiting for him to speak.

"That is an NDA." The lawyer explained promptly as Damien looked through the document. "A non-disclosure agreement. That's a sample of what it looks like. The most probable explanation for their silence could be this. My theory is that Mr Connor made his investors sign this. After signing this, under no circumstances are they allowed to disclose any sensitive information regarding certain business deals, if it is disobeyed they might be asked to pay a certain sum of money as damages amongst other things. Their silence would most probably be due to media purposes."

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