Chapter 93

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A tear slid down Madison's cheek, as she stared at her apartment.

Her eyes roaming around the small room, she'd come to call home for the past few months, she couldn't help but feel emotional and downcast all of a sudden.

Finally, she was leaving.

Leaving London, leaving her past and leaving all her worries behind, hoping she would be able to get a fresh start.

Taking a step towards her small bed, her hand touching the soft mattress, another tear slid down her cheeks, as she held herself from sobbing so heavily.

Just yesterday she'd been here with her mother, on this soft foam and as they'd cuddled together, soaking each other's warmth, Madison had wished to stay at that position forever.

She didn't want morning to come, and she wanted time to just freeze. For a second she had wanted to just be her mother's daughter, and feel so carefree and happy.

But wishes weren't horses, and even if it was she couldn't ride.

Her mind wandering back to the previous night again, Madison closed her eyes briefly as different memories assailed her.

Different memories and revelations too, and she recalled all the things her mother had told her about Damien's late father, the first man she'd loved.

With her mother blaming herself for the strained relationship Madison had with Damien, even wondering if it was a curse of some sort, Madison had been been duly confused and she'd pestered for answers. Answers her mother had obligingly given her.

The late Mr Daniels, had been her mother's first love, and they'd had the most beautiful relationship. Madison could note that because even as her mother talked, her eyes shone so bright in the dim lighting of the room, and she'd never seen the old woman so happy.

Not even when she talked about her own husband, not at all.

Madison had never doubted the love her parents had for each other, but last night she'd been so uncertain that even when her mother assured her that she later grew to love her father, she just couldn't believe it wholeheartedly.

She was more than stunned and angry that her mother didn't get the happy ending she deserved, but well it was now all in the past, and the both of them had moved on.

But just as if fate wanted to play the most cruelest games between the poor tragic couple, it had brought their children together into what could only be termed as the worst kind of love story.

A love story that was filled with heartaches, betrayal, denials, cheating and even blood... Their unborn child. The 5 months old child she'd miscarried.

Brief flashes of that fateful night filled her head. How she'd been living under the bridge, and that particular night she'd been almost sexually assaulted by four grown men.

She had fought so hard, and despite avoiding their advances and begging that she was pregnant, they'd not only molested her, but they'd landed heavy blows and beat the living daylights out of her.

She'd fainted, only to awaken in the morning to a small crowd of passers by gathered around, staring at her bloodied battered body.

Some good samaritans had rushed her poor young self back then to the hospital and there she'd gotten the most devastating news of her life.

A lump forming in Madison's throat all of a sudden, she couldn't help but cry softly again. Her knees trembling as she plopped her ass on the bed, grabbing the pillow as she buried her head into the soft foam.

She hated this part, the part where she cried like a baby. The part where she remembered all she'd gone through, and then she'd shed bloody fucking tears.

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