Chapter 98

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Hands on his waist, Damien stood by the balcony of his hotel suite, whiskey bottle in hand as he stared into the distance.

His mind was in disarray, and he'd been pacing earlier on but he had decided to channel all his anger, worry and frustration into drinking.

The investigation on Madison's disappearance was already underway, and even the suite was abuzz with police offers stationed about, his guards and some other security officials.

The chief detective and his personal investigator, Mr Rudiger as well as some other officers were already on their way to the Connor's family house, and now Damien was just waiting for them to come back.

Since they had no suspects still, the officer in charge of the case had decided on questioning each member of her family. They would have heard about the kidnap by now, and his eyes shutting briefly, Damien could only imagine the horror and pain Mrs Connor was going through right now.

If there was anyone he pitied right now, it was the elderly woman who'd been the last person to see Madison.

He couldn't bear to face her, and that's why he had refused to follow the team of officers to Madison's family house.

Chugging a large gulp of whiskey down his throat once more, Damien briefly opened his eyes the second he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Who could be calling by now? He wondered already scrambling to bring the device out.

Due to the gravity of the situation he was in, he couldn't bear to miss any call.

Who knows if someone had seen Madison, and was calling to divulge some information.

However, his hopes were soon dashed when he glanced at his screen and saw the name of his mother.

Letting out a sigh, as his chest tightened for the umpteenth time today, Damien swiped the answer button and then placed the phone in his ear.

"Hello Mother."

"Hello son. How are you feeling?"

"Mother..." He began to say, but paused trailing off as a whimper escaped his lips.

He was so close to breaking down, and he'd been trying his possible best not to but now he couldn't hold himself anymore.

"Oh Damien, I'm so sorry. I heard the news of Madison's abduction from Alvarez yesterday. I couldn't call cause I knew you would be grieving and..."

"I'm still grieving mom. I still am. Once again I've failed Madison. I know deep within me that whoever must have planned this, is someone I know. An enemy or something. And if anything happens to her... If any motherfucker dares to touch her, I swear to God I won't mind killing him or her."

"Son, I'm so sorry." His mother said again, and he could hear the trace of worry in her voice as she broke into tears too, "When Alvarez told me at first, I didn't even want to believe him until I watched the news and I saw her pictures. I saw the pictures of the scene and... Oh Damien I'm so sorry."

"I don't know what to do mother. I don't know. I'm just so confused. Even with the hefty bounty placed on her head, no single person has come forward in the last 24 hours to report a thing. It just feels like Madison has vanished. She's now out of my grip forever, and I have a nagging feeling that I might not..."

He broke into a sob, his words dying on his lips, as guilt coursed through him. Placing the whiskey bottle in his hands on the fall, Damien proceeded to grip the railings of his balcony as he began to sob heavily.

He was crying for everything happening, and the worst which was yet to come.

Try as he may to be positive, there was this nagging voice at the back of his head which reminded him that he'd lost Madison forever and he wouldn't be able to get her back.

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