Chapter 80

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Katherine could not seem to get herself, to stop thinking about the information she had gotten about Damien and Madison.

She had gone mad with rage, and with nothing else to do, she had decided to go out driving.

She was still having the nasty headache but she didn't care. That would not stop her from doing what she wanted to.

She had climbed into the car, driving away from the hotel and zooming off at high speed and with the rate at which she was driving around, she knew she could get in trouble with the cops but she didn't care.

She could always pay them off anyways, and so she continued to drive around the city, with no destination in mind.

The feeling of the wind in her hair sent her adrenaline shooting up, but it was exactly what she needed. She needed to feel alive and free.

Besides the drive was also a means to cool her head from all the anger she was feeling, and even after some minutes it looked like it wasn't going to work, Katherine continued to drive nonetheless.

There was no way she could stop, and so she went on and on, until she realized that she had been going at it for hours and the sun had set.

It was evening already.

She took her eyes off the road to check the time on her phone, and when she saw that it was a few minutes to the alarm she had set to ring, she turned the car around and headed to a destination she had in mind.

She had asked all her men to meet her at their usual spot in London, and heading straight to the underground garage they had found on their arrival to London, she kept her head straight.

After the incident at her old hotel and the hospital, she didn't think it was a good idea for them to stay in the same hotel, and so they'd separated. Some were close to Madison's house so they could keep an eye on Madison. The others were spying on Damien and reporting back to her, while the last man stayed in the heart of the city.

The man who stayed in the heart of the city, had only one job and it was to report to others any  locations if it was needed. However when they wanted to meet with Katherine, they would all gather at the garage and have their meeting.

Few minutes of driving later on, Katherine finally arrived at the garage where the men were already waiting for her, and stepping out of her car, she dusted herself off some specks of dusts and the  walked in to meet them.

"Evening, ma'am." The leader greeted as she walked in, and the rest of them following suit.

Katherine nodded lazily, taking her position in the middle of the garage, as she began immediately, "How are you all doing?"

"We are doing okay Ma'am." They replied in unison and nodding her head, she looked at the leader who began with a question, "You asked us to meet you here urgently. For a moment we feared you had gotten into some trouble."

Katherine unclenched her teeth, trying not to snap at him at his words.

"Yes, and I'm sorry I couldn't be hear much earlier. I had something to take care of and it took much longer than I expected." She lied and they quickly bought her explanation as they nodded, without trying to prod for more answers.

"So..." She continued, "Over to business. We have waited long enough to do something, and I'm pretty sure we all want to head back home right! Well this is why we are going ahead with the main reason why we came here in the first place."

They all nodded in agreement and then Katherine continued, "Now... what information do you have for me? What do you have on the Connor family?"

One of the men stepped forward, his hands behind his back, as he began to talk, "I've been keeping an eye on Mr Daniels, and some days ago he went to the Connor's family home. He met with Madison's brother who goes by the name of Mason Connor. They had a heated argument as well, that I saw clearly and I got bits and pieces of what they said but I couldn't get anything tangible at all."

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