Chapter 89

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Madison stared at the clothes scattered on the floor of her room absentmindedly, with her mind already miles away.

She hadn't been able to get any sleep last night because she could not stop thinking about everything that had happened.

She spent the whole night crying, and now she was just wishing that there was a way to erase the memory completely but there wasn't.

The flashback was stuck in her head, replaying over and over like a loop, and the more she tried to stop thinking about it, the more vivid the memories became.

As she lowered her head to the pillow, a sound interrupted her, and she quickly rushed to the door when she heard someone knocking.

She already knew who it was, and slowly she opened the door to let Gina in.

The second Gina walked in, Madison returned to her bed slowly and let herself sink to the floor, while her friend paused at the door, staring at the haphazard room in disarray.

She quickly rushed to Madison, plopping down next to her, and then she asked, "What's the matter?"

Placing an arm on Madison's shoulders she continued again, her eyes still roaming through the room, "Did something happen? This place is a mess."

She could see the half opened wardrobe and the clothes scattered on the floor, and she looked worried.

In response however, Madison broke down in tears, her lips quivering as she just couldn't find the right word to say or how to even begin.

She had called Gina earlier this morning and asked her to come over as soon as she could. She had no one else to call, no one else to run to, and right now she badly needed the support.

Gina looked shocked, but she let her friend sob until she had gotten it all out, and then placing another comforting arm on Madison's shoulder, once again she asked her what the problem was.

Madison took a few moments to regain her composure, and Gina rubbed her back in circles, encouraging her to take her time as there was no rush.

A few minutes later, she had stopped sobbing, her hands swiping at her tear stained face and sniffing Madison began to talk.

Starting from the top, she told Gina all about Damien's visit last night. She told Gina about his apology, their conversations, the unaware kiss, and the fact that he knew everything that had happened in the past now. She didn't miss anything out, and when she was done, Gina looked confused for a moment but not long after she then broke into a smile.

She pulled away from Madison to stare at her, "Well that's good news, isn't it? It means that you guys have finally had the chance to talk, and the misunderstandings have been cleared up right? I thought you would be happy about that. Everything is sorted out now, right? So why are you crying?"

Madison shook her head, staring at her friend dumbfounded, "What are you saying Gina? This is not good news at all. It's the exact opposite in fact, and it  is why I'm leaving London."

Gina looked taken aback, her eyes widening in shock. "What? No way you mean what you just said. Are you crazy? Madison, you can't possibly do that. What do you mean you're leaving?"

Madison sighed. She had thought about this a lot last night, and she had made up her mind on the decision. It was the only way she could get herself out of this situation completely.

She needed to be far away from him. Away from all this. That was the only way she would be able to move on and forget.

"I don't think you'll understand it all Gina, but I'm so tired. I'm tired of every single thing. I'm tired of having my past catch up to me. Every time I think everything is going fine in my life, that everything is going back to normal, something just comes and takes that away from me. I just... I just want peace. I want to leave England, go to another country. Somewhere I can be alone, somewhere I can start over, somewhere I can rest, relax, and be myself without the fear of someone from my past barging in and ruining everything. A place where no one knows me. I just want to rest, Gina..."

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