Chapter 77

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Madison's eyes slowly fluttered open when she felt someone touch her arm.

The car she was in had stopped in front of a large building which she could deduce was an hotel, and whoever it was that had driven her, had alighted from the car, and was now walking toward the passenger side, probably to bring her out.

She was still quite dizzy from all the drinks she'd had and her stomach continued to churn, but as she tried to regain her composure, she felt the car door swing open and a pair of arms gently came to rest below her neck and her legs.

Her eyes still drooping, it took her some time to realize that she was being carried out of the car she was in, and too weak to struggle, she let whoever it was pull her out gently.

The sudden motion must have set off her nausea because she immediately lurched forward, bile riling up in her throat and she began to retch.

Quickly, she was pulled down, and as quick as lightning, a hand flung the pigeon hole open to take out a paper bag, which was quickly handed to a still hazy Madison who gratefully accepted.

Tasting bile on her tongue once more, she began to retch again, the contents of her stomach filling up the paper bag in no time, and by the time she was done, she felt a little bit better and less nauseous.

The bag was gently ripped from her hand and a bottle of water was handed to her.

She wanted to look up and mutter some words of thanks to whoever was helping her, but she felt so weak, and instead she used the last energy she had in her to pop off the cover of the bottle open, raising it to her lips and gargling in the water for a few seconds.

She spat it out after a while and used the remaining to wash her face. When she was satisfied, she took a few sips of the water and handed it back to the person helping her, who was standing by the car door watching her.

A man per say, and he stretched his burly arm out for her and she quickly took it. She staggered a little, holding onto his arm for support, but he quickly steadied her.

She wanted to say a few words of thanks to him, and also apologize for being so clumsy but she was still in the process of regaining her composure so she kept shut for now.

Her eyes felt heavy and her legs were still so shaky that she could barely stand, but every now and then a pair of strong arms would move to her, placing both hands on her waist in a bid to always steady her. In less than a few seconds he had carried her up in his arms, placing a hand to support her head and another below her thighs, as he began to walk inside the hotel.

Madison's eyes fluttered open and she turned to her helper to catch a glimpse of his face, because thankfully there were light every where and she would be able to see something.

She never expected to catch sight of the face she least expected though, and as soon as her gaze fell on Damien, she sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes widening in shock.

What the hell was he doing here? Was she hallucinating or what not? She wondered, still trying to make sense of the whole thing.

As he stared down at her, the memories of the entire night came rushing to her, and the incident at the club too. Everything was still a little blurry, but Madison could remember going to the bar with her friend. She also remembered getting harassed by some men and then the scene Damien had caused in the name of saving her, after he had began to fight.

Her cheeks heated in anger she suddenly glared at him, trying to force herself out of his hold.

"Why are you carrying me about? Is this a joke or sum'n? Let go of me!" She yelled abrasively as he continued again her chest heaving, "What the hell do you think you're doing? Will you just let go of me this instant?" She queried yet again.

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