Chapter 2 - Uriel

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It was bizarre to see such an...angelic -her mind provided her, though she was unfamiliar with the word- face. Noemi took in the creature in her office as she slowly walked the perimeter of the room and finally sat down on the only ramshackle chair. Her office/bedroom/house was not much. But it was the best her savings could buy her. The more years of souls you got paid, the better things you could get. For example, the poor excuse of a table she had infront of her. It barely fit her arm. She had found it in the trash, thrown away as it didn't fulfill the expectations of its previous owners. The most expensive thing she had in her possession was the seeping tube in the left corner of the 8 by 8 feet room.

"Uriel." she tested the roll of the name on her tongue.

"That's right." the stranger said eagerly.

Noemi eyes him, head tilted to the side. She was trying to figure him out. Uriel was the strangest creature she had ever met. He looked innocent, yet he emitted a sense of power. He looked sweet, calm, and harmless. And still, there was troubled pain behind those blue eyes. But most of all, Uriel looked wise despite the youthful body he was wrapped up in. He was a walking contradiction -that's what he was.

"Tell me, Uriel. Do you need something found?"

"Yes," another eager answer. "Well...more like someone." he corrected. "Well, more like someones -plural." he corrected again.

Noemi blinked at the word diarrhea coming out of the creature she had mere moments ago deemed wise.

"We need to-" he stopped as fast as she started talking again.

Uriel's face turned flabbergasted and his lips formed an 'oh', as if he just had an idea or he remembered something important. Noemi could not possibly guess what. He bent down without as much as a word, two fingers touching the floor, andhe spun a circle around himself. The ground his fingers touched turned black -burned. Noemi felt her mouth falling open in disbelief. Then her brain caught up, that he had just destroyed her floor and opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind. But Uriel held up a finger before she could.

"Come inside the circle," he urged her.

She set her hands on her hips and glared at him. "And why should I?" she hissed behind gritted teeth.

"There're spies everywhere. But they can't hear us inside the circle."

He's crazy, Noemi decided. Once again, he urged her to join him inside the self-made circle. She didn't know what compelled her to follow. Perhaps she was just humoring him. But her feet carried her the small distance that separated them, and one by one her feet landed inside the burned drawing.

Up close, Uriel's eyes seemed alive. Electric, liquid...otherworldly. He stared at her as if she was holding the key to the entire world.

"You asked what I require of you. I require you to help me fulfill my purpose. I left my home and entered the material world on a quest to restant time and return the world to its rightful state." he confessed. Even from that statement, Noemi had a thousand questions. "But to restart time we need to wake up the Time Lord and to do that we need to find him."

So he wanted her to find some kind of Time lord?, she scoffed in disbelief.

"No, it's not the Time Lord I want you to find." he said as if he read her mind. Noemi tried really hard to not let her eyes widen. "To wake up the Time Lord, we need the help of a Witch. Unfortunately, everyone's memories have been suppressed and altered by the spell that has created this timeless reality. So, we're going to have to restore her memories. Ramiel of the Gypsies is the only one with the ability to do that, as he is the only creature to retain the memories of the original world. That's who I want you to find."

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