Chapter 3 - The Choice

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Noemi couldn't tell if their footsteps echoed in the hallways as she and Uriel ran like fugitives on the run. But perhaps they were that: fugitives. The Witches had come for her because of Uriel and he was here. Anger flared out of her nose. Ignoring her throbbing ribs, she pushed his against the nearest wall.

"You!" she growled in his face. "You put me in jeopardy."

"I'm sorry I tried to save your life." he rolled his eyes.

Noemi huffed. She knew he didn't mean it. She also knew that if not for him, she would be dead and not only sporting a few half-broken ribs. The pain must have shown on his face because Uriel's eyes saddened.

"I'm sorry I couldn't heal you completely," he said sincerely this time. "I would if I could. But my strength is not what it used to be since I ripped out my grace. The fall didn't help either. I'm still recovering from the pain of it."

Noemi eyed him. "You don't look pained."

"It was like inferno burning me inside out." he shuddered at the memory. "The landing itself wasn't the hardest part despite appearances. No, the actual fall was much, much worse. It felt as if my skeleton was ripped out of my carcass. And a thousand blades piercing me skin through bone, as if I was made out of butter.

Noemi tried not to sudder in return. Her recent fight with death made her more sympathetic to his tale. "I'm sorry to hear that." she offered honestly. "Where did you land?"

"Just a few miles outside Thelleirilia. Made a big hole in the ground and everything."

Another flash of memory startled Noemi. Something Ravana had said. "The comet." she mumbled to herself, before piercing her gaze on him again. "Please tell me you're not that fiery ball that fell a few days ago? The one everyone is talking about. The one the Witches are all over!" she demanded.

With every word Uriel's expression turned guiltier and guiltier. "I'm afraid it is me."

Noemi gasped. This time from anger and not pain. "Are you completely...I don't want anything to do with the Witches. They're looking for you. And now, probably thanks to this," she showed him the tatoo mark. "they know I talked to you and they came looking for me."

Uriel blinked as if he didn't understand her.

"And your presence here is making my position even worse! This cannot be happening! What am I going to do?!"

"Wait, you think those Witches are here looking for you?" Uriel put a stop to her rumbling.

Noemi blinked and stared at him.

"They were tracking me. Not you," he explained.

Noemi took a breath. She let the knowledge settle in. "Then why are you here?" she hissed through gritted teeth.

"Because of this."

She eyed him curiously as he reached inside his woolen trench coat. She wondered for a moment where he got his clothes. What he was wearing must have been surely disintegrated during the fall. But then Uriel brought out a shiny ball of blindly white light. Noemi's thoughts vaporized and her eyes closed in protest of the brightness.

"What the hell is that?" she hissed, eyes watering.

"It's my grace. I went back and looked for it." Uriel told her honestly. "Last time we spoke, in your office, you did not believe me. This is proof that what I speak of is the truth... and payment."

Even as glued as she was staring frozen at the illuminating light, Noemi arched an eyebrow. "Payment?" she asked without breaking her gaze.

"For your services. I'm empoying you to find Ramiel of the Gypsies." he explained. "Isn't that how it works?" he asked less sure than before.

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