43. The Real End

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I sat at my desk as the second slowly ticked by, I was so confused, how could he not say anything? How could he have no reaction?

I'd sat there for a couple of minutes, trying to get my head around what had just happened. I could have sat there all day if my daze hadn't been disturbed by a brisk knock at the door. I wondered if I could ignore it, whoever it was I wasn't up to visitors. But when the caller knocked again I knew I didn't have much choice. This was possibly the first time I had ever opened my door and wished to find Melissa on the other side with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. I quickly wiped my face and answered it.

Much to my disappointment when I opened the door in front of me was a perfectly well Tom, not a hint of despair or desolation in sight. I looked at him for a second trying to understand what was happening.

"Did you forget something?" My brain scrambled for a logical explanation as to why he would dare to darken my door, I turned to the corner of my bed thinking perhaps he'd left his phone.

"Yes" he said, I took a step back further into the room allowing him access to retrieve whatever it was he'd left.

"I forgot this" he said as he step towards me and quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"But I thought?" I began, sure my head was about to explode.

"I love you Libby, I always have." He said and kissed me gently on my cheek.

"Good, now kiss me again like you mean it." I teased as his lips finally claimed mine.


Well that's all folks, I hope you've enjoyed it and will consider leaving me a comment about it.

If you've enjoyed this story why not take a look at my others on here. Thanks again for all your support.

The next story I am going to be working on is BROKEN - the first 10 chapters are available to read now, so please take a look if you can 


Thanks everyone E x

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