23. Furious

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Libby's POV

The taxi stopped outside my halls a little before six, I sighed heavily knowing the weekend was well and truly over. As I dragged my bag up to my room a wave of nausea washed over me, I wasn't sick I knew that, remembering I had hardly eaten all weekend I put it down to that not allowing myself to admit I was heart broken. The thought of another two weeks without Elliot made me want to cry again. The more I thought about the possibility of transferring closer to him the more it seemed like the only solution, there was no way I could go on like this.

As I fumbled with my keys Sam popped her head out from next door.

"You're home" she stated as she knocked on my other neighbours door and followed me into my room.

"So you all shagged out?" Melissa asked as she shut the door behind her. Despite my melancholy mood she managed to raise half a smile. "Jesus, you look like shit!" she concluded, quickly returning my mood to its former low level.

Sam shot her a warning glance, but Melissa just shook it off. "So tonight we are going out to get smashed, you need this to help you out of your funk." Before she had even finished talking her phone was out and she was typing away furiously on the tiny keypad. with a quick glance my way she added "Right we'll be back in half an hour, make sure you're showered, we'll get ready together over a couple of glasses of wine." Rather than leave straight away the girls waited for me to head into the bathroom.

The shower was just what I needed, and although my chest still ached for Elliot I knew for tonight at least Melissa wouldn't give me a second of peace, so there was no way I'd be stewing over him tonight.

By the time I stepped out the shower Sam and Melissa were already back in my room, I quickly grabbed some pyjamas and heading back to the bathroom for a bit of privacy. "I'll just be one minute" I called over my shoulder.

Within minutes another half a dozen pyjama clad girls had joined me in my room, finally Bailey and two others arrived bearing an abundance of McDonald's bags. "Foods here!" she announced holding hers up above her head. I giggled as my small group of friends cheered and attacked those with the junk food.

As I ate my Big Mac watching my friends I wondered if I really could just give this up and move to Scotland to be with Elliot. When I'd been with him I'd lost perspective of who I was, when I was with him I was Elliot's girlfriend, sitting here now I wondered if that could be enough for me?

"Right ladies, it's almost half seven, once you are ready we will meet back here, should we say an hour?" Melissa asked as the girls slowly made their way to their own rooms.

All except Melissa left, instead she looked through my wardrobe obviously picking an outfit for me to wear. "You should wear this tonight" She suggested hold out a short, tight fitting red dress. I loved that dress and knew it looked really good on, but I scrunched my nose.

"I was thinking more jeans and a nice top" I countered.

"Oh no!" she interrupted. "Tonight is party night, we are all getting dressed up, you ARE wearing this" she hung it on the wardrobe door and eyed me suspiciously.

"Alright, I surrender" I held up my hands defensively, she smiled knowing she'd won.

As I started getting ready my phone beeped. I read the text I knew would be from Elliot.

"Hey honey, I miss you so much, I can't wait until you transfer here and we can be together all the time, love you E xx" I smiled sadly at his message knowing there was no happy solution, but I text him back.

"Miss you too, I said I'd think about it, I want to be with you too but I need to do the right thing, you do understand don't you?" It was seconds later my phone began to ring.

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