14. Serendipity

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Hiya, sorry it has taken me so long to update, but with the last chapter being so, well...crapola, I decided to rewrite the ending, hopefully its better than it was so please if you haven't read the updated version please go back and check it out.

Any way fingers crossed you like this chapter.


Libby's POV

What the fuck! Even though it was now Wednesday evening I'd said little else since the professor's little bomb shell. After watching me banging my head on the desk numerous times Bailey had asked if I was okay, my reply was - what the fuck! When Elliot had smiled brightly into the tiny webcam and enquired how my day had been my response was - what the fuck! When Tom had suggested meeting in the coffee shop before our tutorial slot...well as predicted my riposte was - what the fuck! Yeah what the fuck just seemed to be my answer for everything these days, I don't know it just seemed to fit.

I glanced again at my watch - 6:27, what the fuck! my inner voice screamed in my head, it had been 6:29 the last time I'd looked. Either time was now in reversal or I was losing my mind. As I scanned the college coffee shop for evidence of a glitch in the time space continuum I was sorely disappointed to find nobody was walking backwards, un-drinking their coffees or conversing in a language similar to 'Klingon'. Being unable to substantiate my theory of time distortion I realised I must be losing it.

As I drained my second extra large hot chocolate I peeked at the clock behind the counter - 6:31. With the copious amount of liquid I had swilling around me I decided to head to the bathroom then make my way to the professor's office. With the endorphins from the hot chocolate starting to kick in and the pleasantly comfortable feeling of my now empty bladder I was in a relatively good mood. I even stifled my groan when I noticed Tom sitting on one of the two chairs outside Professor Adam's office.

Tom's POV

Oh man, she still looks pissed, I muse as I quickly take in her perfect fitting jeans and snug white tee shirt clinging beautifully to her pert breasts. Stop staring man! Hmmm that was going to be harder than I thought. Stop staring, if she catches you gawking at her tits she'll be insufferable.

"Hey Lib" I offered finally pulling my eyes from her chest to her face. Jeez I swear she gets better looking every time I see her. Rather than answer me she plonked herself down in the uncomfortable, rigid seat next to me.

"Well at least you managed to make it here on time." Her tone was a mixture of spite and sarcasm.

"Come now Lib, you know I'd never be late for a date with you." I grinned at her knowing her infuriation was certainly bubbling away just underneath the surface.

"In your dreams, loser" I could see her winding herself up; yeah she was a long way from finished. "Firstly this is not a date, nor will it ever be." She had that whole finger wagging thing going on, and whilst she thought she was the personification of furious to me she just looked adorable, getting herself all wound up. I didn't even try to hide my amusement. "And secondly, even with your limited brain capacity, you must have realised there is no way I am going to be your partner."

"Well Miss McKenzie" in her little rant neither of us had noticed Professor Adams stood in the doorway. "I'm sorry you feel that way as unless you can provide a restraining order Mr Butler here is your study buddy." I could hear the laughter in his voice as he tried desperately to maintain his professionalism. "Now this way please." He smiled brightly at the both of us as he ushered us into his office.

The room was immaculately tidy; the main focus of the room was a large oak desk which sat in front of a huge bay window. Apart from a laptop the only other things on his desk were a lamp, a stack of post-it notes and a pen caddy. A place for everything and everything it it's place - immediately sprung to mind. As I took in the rest of the sparsely decorated room I noticed there was nothing personal to him in there.

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