2. Lasting Impressions

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Tom's POV

I could feel my skin stretching around the huge grin now in residence upon my face. And although I desperately wanted to look over my shoulder and see if she was watching me walk away, I resisted the urge; after all I had my reputation to uphold. So I guess jumping up and punching the air was definitely out of the question...that really would send my credibility plummeting.

I mean what would the boys say if they could see me now? Love sick and pining after a girl who I've only just met and who I've barely kissed. But hmmm that kiss was special, I could feel it. Jeez my lips are still tingling, it's like she electrocuted me or something.

Ah well perhaps I'll give the 'love 'em and leave 'em' me a break and see how the monogamous Tom fairs for a while, I thought as I made the short walk to my house. After all, a girlfriend on tap has got to be easier than trying to charm your way into a different girls pants every weekend. Even though let's be honest it's hardly a chore, and as for having to charm them, well let's just say I'm selling myself a bit short, I smirked as I thought of Martin Fisher's party last week, I didn't even bother asking her name, well she was up for it, she didn't want a serious relationship, no she was after a just a bit of fun and oh boy did we have fun.

My mind flashed back to Libby, and the butterflies stirred in my stomach as the thought of her wrapped in my arms, her body pressed against mine and her lips kissing me painted vivid pictures in my subconscious. A warm contentment radiated from my core as I thought of seeing her again tomorrow, and a growing urge to experience another electrically charged kiss was suddenly all I could think about.

I grabbed a coke from the fridge and headed upstairs to my room; I put the can on the bedside table and threw my coat of the chair in the corner of the room before heading to the bathroom. I figured a cold shower was exactly what I needed and spent the next twenty minutes trying to put all thoughts and images of Libby out of my head.

I could see the message light flashing on my phone; I had missed 4 texts from Connah whilst I'd been in the shower and calming myself down. I read the first one


Three minutes later I'd received the second

Come on man, don't leave me hanging here, spill.

I shook my head as I opened the third message

WTF either you've shagged her or she's murdered you

I chuckled as I imagined him pacing his room not quite sure if he should be jealous or worried out of his mind, either way I decided to open his last message.

Well until I receive confirmation it's open season on the new meat, Reah's already uploaded photos of tonight onto Facebook and she's been inundated with questions about the new hottie, I'll tell her to say she's available shall I?

The thought of anyone slobbering over my Libby made me feel quite queasy; no I'll end this right now.

Hey Cal, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I was a little busy...if you know what I mean. Also just so we're straight on the Libby front I have well and truly staked my claim!

His reply pinged back almost instantly

YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!

I smiled triumphantly to myself knowing winning Libby had suddenly become a whole lot easier, no boy in school would dare go within 50 feet of her now, if they did they knew the consequences...you just don't mess with another guys girl, well not unless you want trouble; the kind involving the entire football team. Or until you've gotten her to finish with the pathetic loser she was currently going out with, then she's fair game.

I could feel the buzz of excitement coursing through my body, as the anticipation of seeing her again grew. When she shyly stuck her head round the door to the den in Connah's house, it was all I could do not to gape at her open mouthed. She just looked beautiful, as she nervously fiddled with her fingers. I could see the girl's jealously eyeing her trying to work out if she was prettier than them. Hell yes she was I thought, just look at her she's gorgeous. I'd smirked to myself when they'd flocked round her, all vying to be her new best friend. The guy's reaction had been just as predatory but in a far more possessive way. They had each glimpsed at her as Reah had called her in, and each had an expression similar to mine, I had to be quick because if I didn't make a move at least one of the others would.

A wave of relief washed over me knowing by now half the school would have seen on Facebook she was already spoken for. And everyone knows once it's written on any form of social media site...it's gospel, she'll be mine before I even get to school in the morning, I thought smiling to myself as I drifted off to sleep, satisfied tomorrow would be the best first day back ever.

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