3. Wrong Impressions

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Libby's POV

Although my mum had offered to give me a lift to school this morning with her I had decided if I was going to keep the distance between the two of us it would be foolish to be seen getting out of her car on the very first day. Besides the school was only a ten minute walk away and there was every chance I'd see a couple of the people I'd met last night on the way, then at least I wouldn't have to walk in alone.

I surveyed my appearance in the full length mirror by the front door, checking I looked okay before heading out. In my old school the sixth formers had to wear a uniform, white open neck blouse, navy checked skirt and matching navy blazer, at least moving here had spared me from the awful, ugliness of having to dress in that. No my new school, St Margaret's, only had a uniform for years seven through eleven, once passed the compulsory part of school the sixth formers could wear what they liked, 'within reason' my mum had warned this morning before she left.

She had previously been the deputy head at large high school in my home town of Reading; thankfully not the school I went to. She had worked there for six years and had risen through the ranks, joining the school as a supply teacher covering maternity leave. By two years she was not only a full time member of staff she had also been promoted to head of department, from there, well there was no stopping her, she was deputy head within another two years and had thrived, stamping her mark on the place, raising standards and achievements. I knew the first thing she would tackle would be appearance, I had seen her loading two bags of cleansing wipes and nail vanish remover into the boot of the car. During the drive up from Reading she had told me at least five times all parents had been sent letters spelling out the new regime and the consequences of any infringements. I could tell from her tone she was secretly hoping there'd be a few diehards who thought they could get away with false eyelashes, purple hair, orange skin or trainers, who she could make an example of, and I knew she would and even more worrying I knew she would relish it.

I shrugged on my jacket as I closed the door and made my way to my new school. It was unseasonably cold for early September and pulling my coat around me I hurried down my pathway.

"Good morning Libby" Connah chimed from a few yards away; I looked and smiled in his direction before turning to smile my hello to his sister, Reah.

"Hiya you two" I chirped back, Connah chuckled whilst Reah glared at me.

"Come on Connah" She snapped grabbing him by the hand and yanking him away before I had chance to ask what was going on.

Hmmm I take it she's not a morning person then, I thought to myself as I watched her stomp down the road dragging her brother behind her.

By the time I reached the main entrance to the school I had noticed two things:

a) My mum was going to have to buy more cleansing wipes; every girl I passed had a face full of make-up.

b) New students were obviously a rarity, as not only had I lost count of the number of students who'd stared at me, but also there were a huge number who had blatantly pointed me out to their friends and then started talking about me.

I let out a massive sigh as I walked through the double doors and headed to the reception desk. The lady behind the counter smiled warmly at me as she nervously rolled her wedding ring around and around her finger.

"Good morning" She greeted, "It's Libby isn't it?" Not waiting for an answer she fished around under the desk and pulled out a folder with my name on it, she handed it to me and continued.

"Your timetable is in here along with a map of the school" she watched as I opened it and took out the couple of sheets of printed paper. "Oh and your mum thought you'd be interested in this." She handed me a booklet listing all the extra curricula activities the school had to offer, as I opened it I noticed my mum had highlighted a few, she had also annotated little notes. I shook my head, oh God she was so controlling! The first of my chosen after school clubs was the school council, her note besides it read 'This will look good on your university applications'. The next were the orchestra and hockey, I knew what her advice would be even before I read it, I'd heard it a million times, 'these enrichment activities will make you better-rounded and you can discuss them in your personal statement for university next year.' Oh God she was obsessed, I was beginning to think she couldn't wait to get rid of me.

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