31. Vacant

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Tom's POV

I'd slept soundly, even if, some what erotic dreams of Libby had interrupted my slumber. I run my tongue over my lips as I tried to recreate the feel of her mouth on mine. But her sweet chocolatey taste had been replaced with awful smelling morning fuzz, still if I focused hard enough I could almost feel her body pressed against mine. I'd loved the overpowering sensation I'd had as I'd pulled her to me and encompassed her easily within my arms. As I yet again imagined her kiss I felt the heat of desire burning my every cell. With less than an hour before class I decided a cold shower was most definitely needed. with my hormones rampaging I had to do everything I could to quell the hard on I sported everytime I thought of her.

Libby's POV

My conversation with Elliot had been awkward to say the least, he knew something was wrong with me, he wasn't an idiot. I'd lied easily, blaming my mood and temperament on my love sickness for him, even just the thought of the previous evenings event had me feeling nauseous, so there was at least some element of truth in my excuse.

With a growing uneasiness I'd made my way to my usual seat in Professor Adam's class, as my friends chatted about their Christmases I scanned the room looking for Tom.

"Earth to Libby, is there anybody there?" Bailey asked in her best ghost hunter voice.

"What sorry?" I said, shaking my head in an attempt to dislodge my stupor.

"I was asking how your holidays were" She spoke slowly clearly recognising the signs she was in the presence of an idiot.

"Ok and yours?" I didn't hear her reply because as the words left my mouth the classroom door swung open and Tom and his friends sauntered in. Despite the huge, packed room Tom looked straight to me, and with a breathe-taking smile he nodded his head infinitesimally acknowledging he'd seen me. With his usual confidence he strolled over to the row of seats behind mine and sat so I was directly in front of him.

"Morning Libby" He said from just behind my ear. I wasn't sure if it was his deep seductive tone or his hot breath on the back of my neck but as he spoke I went into an involuntary shudder. I had hoped he hadn't noticed, but hearing his resultant chuckle put pay to that.

I spun round and glared at him, hoping the venomous hatred in my eyes would be enough to silence him. His returning grin told me it wouldn't be, I shook my head at him in disgust and spun back round.

"Aww, don't be like that Lib" He again purred into the back of my neck. "what's the point of going to all the effort to make yourself look hot, if you are just going to play hard to get?" His voice had gotten a little louder and from the wide-eyed stares of Bailey and the girls I knew he had gathered quite an audience. I could feel my face reddening as I hung my head, embarrassed.

"What's that all about?" Bailey mouthed exaggeratedly.

"Nothing, he's just being a dick, as usual." I replied loud enough for him to hear.

"I was actually just saying good morning" he countered, his warm minty breath again at my ear. Rather than giving him the reaction he wanted I decided to ignore him.

"I dreamt about you last night" he whispered into my ear huskily, so quietly I could barely hear him. He was now so close that as he spoke his mouth brushed against my ear. "I dreamt I was making love to you and you begging me not to stop. We both know you want me as much as I want you."

"Right, let's start shall we?" Professor Adams voice startled me as it rung out around the lecture theatre, I hadn't even noticed him come in.

Although I put all my focus into what the professor was saying, my mind kept wandering to Tom, what was he doing? Was he looking at me? I wonder if he's thinking about me?

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