16. Getting Even

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Hiya, sorry it has taken me so long to update, I've just been snowed under. Anyway I hope you like it, please let me know your thoughts as I really value your opinion and any help you can give me is really, really appreciated. Thanks J.


Tom's POV

"Oh hi" I called over to the familiar looking girl walking towards me. Realising I had addressed her, a broad, predatory grin quickly spread across her pretty face. Jeez I won't even feel guilty about this one, I thought recognising a fellow player.

"You're Libby's friend aren't you?" I asked nonchalantly as I closed the distance between us. Her grin quickly changed to delight as I confirmed I remembered her from the other night. Let's be honest there was no way I could forget her she'd practically sat on my lap for the entire evening, granted I don't remember a single thing she said all night I had been far too wrapped up in watching Jack slobbering over Libby.

Now if I could just remember her name I'd have her knickers off within the hour.

"Well remembered, I'm Melissa." She volunteered, much to my relief.

"I know who you are Melissa." I lied. "Some people are worth remembering." I added, making even myself slightly nauseous at the cheesy chat up line. Her smile widened and I knew she was a goner, I gave her my signature lopsided grin as I let me eyes rake over her body, I looked her over again to make sure she caught me.

"See anything you like?" She purred continuing with the little flirting sparring game, as she raised her eyebrow suggestively.

"I'm not sure?" I teased back, "I can't see the goods under all that packaging." I added biting my upper lip in mock thoughtfulness.

"Well I think then perhaps we need to remedy that." She said taking hold of my hand and pulling me back in the direction I had just come from. The parting image of Libby wrapped around Elliot blinded me for a second halting me in my tracks.

"Let's go to my place." I hurriedly suggested, as I very much doubted I'd be able to get it up with my mind wandering to the shenanigans going on next door. "It's nearer" I quickly justified, hoping she didn't see through my little deceit.

"Well then lead the way" she again grinned, her lust was almost palpable.

Remembering my plan and the reason why I was spending time with this awful girl I reclaimed her hand as we quickly walked to my dorm. From somewhere just passed my consciousness I could hear her irritating voice trying to invade my internal thoughts. With my mind consumed with showing Libby I couldn't care less about her and her knob of a boyfriend, there was no chance Melissa's inane wittering were going to be able to permeate my brain. The sooner this was over the better; I mean it was a win-win situation for me.

Firstly I'd get to release some pent up frustrations, granted it was on the wrong girl, but you know what they say..."Any holes a goal." Secondly there's no way Melissa won't tell Libby, jeez she's such an idiot she'll probably brag she 'bagged' me. Oh and thirdly Melissa was an inspired choice, girl's like her are asking to be fucked and then fucked off. She's a guilt free shag - result.

Libby's POV

With my body clinging to Elliot he carried me easily to the bed. The feel of his strong hands snaking around my back holding me impossibly close to him sent a surge of electricity through my spine. I'm not sure when or where it happened but somewhere during the two years we have been together I stopped appreciating the feel of his touch, my body had become accustomed to his, it felt as natural touching his skin as it did my own. So for the first time, in a long time my body shivered in anticipation for the pleasure I knew would soon be coursing through me.

Slowly and purposely he lowered me to the bed, looking at me closely...taking in every inch of my barely decent body before joining me on the bed. Sitting astride me he slowly reached down and gently kissed my lips, I immediately opened my mouth wanting him to take control of me, to overwhelm me. Much to my disappointment he pulled back, just the hint of a smile on his face.

"What's your hurry?" He grinned, "I thought after two weeks of enforced celibacy I'd take it really slow and let you know just how much I've missed you." His last few words were interspersed with light kisses moving away from my mouth and down my neck.

"I thought I'd start here" I could feel his lips smile against my collar bone. "And slowly work my way down to here." He added huskily, pushing his fingers gently under the waistband of my briefs. "Making sure I taste all the delight inbetween." He concluded. As my body shuddered involuntarily at the thought of what was coming I felt him shake as a barely audible chuckle escaped his lips.

Each touch of his lips against my skin left a heated trail, and as he continued his slow seduction I could feel my frustration at his impossible patience growing. My body arched up to meet him every time I felt his breath warming my skin, and with my heart thumping loudly behind my rib cage I could take no more.

"Elliot" I snapped, pulling him from of his ministrations. "The foreplay is great and all, but right now you're driving me crazy." His face filled instantly with a mixture of happiness and excitement. "Right now you need to put the romance on hold and get down to business...before I explode." I pleaded much to his delight, and with a wicked glint in his eye within seconds he had stripped us both and started work on ensuring I didn't explode.

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