30. Perspective

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Libby's POV

I left for university early that morning, I had used the excuse I didn't want to hit any traffic, but both my mum and Elliot knew I just needed to get back to my routine. I just couldn't stand another argument with either of them, thankfully they both seemed to realise and left me to stew in my own misery. I said a quick goodbye to mum before driving to Elliot's to say goodbye to him.

Although he had suggested several times I nip upstairs with him whilst his parents were at church I decided to decline his offer, the thought of his mum coming back catching us at it was more than either her or I could take.

I leant against the car as he kissed me goodbye, I could feel the growing stream of tears behind my eyes and knew they threatened to overcome the dams of my lower lids at any second. As he slowly pulled away from me the first tears silently meandered down my face.

"Don't cry Libby, please don't cry." He begged as his lips again found mine. By the time our lips parted my cheeks were wet with tears I just couldn't seem to control, he wiped them away but instantly more cascaded down my face.

I couldn't explain it but I felt utterly devastated. Although I'd been through this before this time it felt different, it felt like the beginning of the end. my chest ached as the thought of losing him filled me with cold emptiness.

"We'll be ok Libby I promise" Elliot soothed as he held me tightly. "I'm never letting you go, I love you!" He declared as he held me at arms length to look at me. "I will always love you and nothing is ever going to change that." I nodded trying to convince myself he was right.

"Pinky promise" he offered holding out his little finger for me to link with mine. The gesture was the first thing to make me smile all morning. "That's much better" he said kissing me again. "Next time I'm not taking no for an answer, I'm dragging you up the stairs so I can show you how much I love you." He pinched my bottom through my jeans and was about to start groping the top half of my body when his parent's car pulled up in the driveway.

His mother didn't bother trying to hide her scowl as she glared at me through the side window. I wondered if their invitation for me to pop round even if Elliot was home still stood, hmmm I guess not.

"Well I gotta go" I said chirpily, his mother's presence had suddenly made our goodbye a whole lot easier. "Ring me when you get in." I instructed as I hugged him hard to me. "I love you" I whispered in his ear. He turned his face and his lips found mine, our kiss was powerful and passionate.

"Achumm" his mums fake cough helping us to remember we were in the street. I gave him one last lingering kiss then I jumped in the car and drove off.

The drive back to London was just what I needed, it afforded me a couple of hours to regain my perspective and get my head on straight. My mum had done me a favour, I had never wanted to move to Scotland and at least this way it was now out of my hands. I thought about my mums suggestion and realised I wasn't even sure I wanted Elliot to move here. I mean I know he is THE ONE, he is the love of my life but I guess I just want a little more time being me. I am not saying I want to play the field or anything but I want to be one of the girls and not have responsibilities for a while longer. I guess what I'm saying is I just want to be young and enjoy life whilst I can.

With my new found resolution still buzzing round my head it was with a smile on my face I pulled up at the car park. Not even bothering to take my bags to my room I headed straight for the coffee-shop. In the three weeks I'd been away from the place not a single day had gone by that I hadn't craved their double choca-mocha hot chocolate. That's another reason I can't leave this place I argued as I sat down and took the first sip of the steaming calorific delight.

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