⭐️18| beauty and the beast pt1

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Aurora watched the townsfolk pass her by, rushing about their daily chores and taking leisurely strolls along the cobbled pathways of the lower village. Gaius kept her walking quickly, her arm linked with his and a satchel of herbs hanging over her shoulder.

"Keep up, Merlin, we've got a busy day ahead." Gaius called. Aurora looked back over her shoulder, stifling a laugh at the sight of her brother. His arms were filled with pots tied together with string, along with jars and two more bags.

"It's a busy day everyday! You and Arthur, you work me to the bone." Merlin complained, trying to catch up with the elderly physician and his sister.

"Do stop moaning." Gaius replied, quickening his pace as Merlin began to join them.

"At least the work's interesting?" Aurora offered, earning a deadpan stare from Merlin as he looked down at her empty arms.

"Aurora, we're collecting pots. Or, rather, I'm collecting pots while you enjoy a lovely days walk!" He retorted, causing Gaius to pause, turning to face him.

"Don't speak to your sister like that! She's not carrying anything because she cleaned the entire house last weekend. What were you doing? Ah, yes, you were fast asleep." Gaius humphed, continuing on his path with Aurora beside him.

The witch let out a small laugh, earning a smile from Gaius. I must find that board of sarcasm, she thought, I think Gaius is winning.

"Come on, Merlin. We're collecting pots, like we do every Thursday at exactly the same time. You should be used to this by now." Aurora replied, giving her brother a smug smile. Merlin stuck out his tongue mockingly.

"Nothing interesting every happens." He droned on, jumping and letting out a small squeak as a man gripped his arm. Aurora paused to watch. The man's hair was stuck to his head with sweat, face long and slightly mean looking.

"Please, we seek Uther Pendragon. Where can he be found?" He asked, leaning close to Merlin. Gaius stood closer to the warlock, keeping his arm linked with Aurora's. Merlin mumbled, caught off guard by the man and his words.

"We have urgent business with the King." He continued, placing something small into Merlin's hand. Gaius took it from him, turning it over.

"I'm sorry, any business with the King will have to be pursued through the usual channels," He replied, glancing down at what Aurora now realised to be a seal, "But this is the seal of the House of Tragor. Where did you get this?"

"It does not belong to me." The man said, moving aside to make way for a cloaked figure to step beside him. She removed her blue hood, staring down at Gaius.

"It belongs to me."

The three paused, instantly recognising her as the Lady Catrina. Gaius nodded, leaning down deeply into a bow. Aurora curtsied, grabbing her brother's arm. He stayed upright, staring at the Lady with a lopsided grin.

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