⭐️21| the sins of the father

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The moon glistened softly in the sky, standing out among the twinkles of distant stars washing the cool stone of the castle floor with a white glow. The room was filled with the red fabric of the knights' capes swishing as they adjusted their positions.

Aurora clasped her hands before her, her eyes attempting to avoid the ones desperate to lock with hers. Arthur stood beside his father as Uther moved before five knights kneeling on the ground.

"Arise, Sir Vidor, knight of Camelot. Arise, Sir Caridoc, knight of Camelot," Uther placed his sword down on the shoulder's of each man, and all stood to their feet, "You have been awarded a great honour."

Uther continued speaking as Aurora tilted her head, awe in her eyes as she watched, imagining herself in the place of one of those knights. Merlin nudged her, seeing her expression.

"You'll be there one day." He whispered with a smile.

"You, who pledge to conduct yourselves with nobility, honour and respect, your word is your sacred bond. You will find no one who better embodies these values than my son, Arthur. Follow his example, and you will prove yourselves worthy of your title."

The Prince cast a sidelong look towards Aurora, and she finally allowed herself to return it with a smile behind Uther's back. His lips curled before softening back into the familiar frown he had adorned for the past however long they had been in the hall.

Metal clanged through the air, followed by shout of pain from men outside of the room. Heads turned as silence fell, and a person clad in armour walked into the room. Merlin pushed Aurora behind him, an instinct by now.

The person walked through the parting crowd, and Arthur stepped down between the knights to greet the armoured figure. The room remained quiet as they quickly removed their gauntlet, throwing it to the floor in front of Arthur.

All eyes in the room dropped with the falling metal, yet Arthur remained peering through the thin space on the person's helmet. He leaned down to retrieve the gauntlet, standing straight as the room waited for his response.

"I accept your challenge." Arthur replied, "If I am to face you in combat, will you do me the courtesy of revealing your identity?"

There was a pause of anticipation until the knight unclasped their helmet, sliding it from their head. Aurora's eyes widened as a small smile erupted on her face. It was a woman. A woman with curled blonde hair and bright eyes.

"My name is Morgause."

Aurora hummed softly as she read in her usual corner of her home. Gaius moved around lazily, collecting what he needed for whatever new concoction he was making. The door opened, and Merlin stepped in. Aurora sighed, shutting her book; any ounce of peace would be instantly ruined as she knew.

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