⭐️19| beauty and the beast pt2

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Aurora glanced up, the sun shining down brilliantly on the cobbled streets. Guards rushed past her, causing the girl to flatten herself back against the castle walls. She peered after them, jumping as someone gripped her arm.

"Where is Merlin?" The Prince stared down at her with cold eyes, and the witch flinched at the hardness in his voice. It was typical for something to happen between them just when things were going alright.

"I do not know, my Lord. I would assume he is working for you now, as he always is." She replied, pulling her wrist from his grasp, gently rubbing over the bruise he had left the day before. His eyes dipped towards the movement, gaze softening slightly before he blinked.

"Find him. And get him out of Camelot." He whispered, looking after his guards. Aurora frowned, taking a step away from him.

"Why? What's going on?" She questioned, and he took her arm again, his grip gentler this time.

"Catrina has accused him of stealing her seal," Arthur explained, quickly pulling her towards the castle, "The King has ordered for him to be arrested."

Aurora cursed under her breath, her pace picking up as she once again pulled away from the Prince.

"Perhaps if you had actually listened to us for once, this wouldn't be happening, you damned fool!" The witch hissed, hiking up her skirts as she raced for the servants entrance.

She burst in through the second door of Arthur's chambers, panting heavily as Merlin looked up at her in shock from his position beside the Prince's bed. He sighed, continuing his folding of the sheets.

"Merlin, we have to go." She huffed, wiping at her sweating forehead. Merlin didn't seem all too interested.

"Why's that?" He replied, avoiding eye contact with her. Aurora stormed forward, snatching the sheets from his hands and tugging at his wrists.

"Because you're in trouble, Merlin, as usual, but this time, the King is calling for your head!" The girl cried, trying desperately to pull the unwilling boy towards the door she had come through.

"Let me guess. Catrina has said something about me?" The warlock mused, easily slipping out of her grasp.

"Yes, so we have to go. Have you no clue of the urgency this situation has?"

"Maybe if you had stopped them from marrying, this wouldn't have happened."

"And maybe if you had never believed Jonas, it wouldn't have taken you twenty minutes to get there."

"And maybe if you weren't here at all, nothing like this would happen ever!" Merlin retorted, sucking in a sharp breath upon realising what he had said. Aurora's jaw clenched, and she let out a quiet grunt.

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