⭐️22| the lady of the lake

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Aurora hurriedly pulled shut the small window in the corner of the room, wiping the small puddle left from the hammering rain. She had been too preoccupied with her book to realise the storm had finally reached Camelot, and there was no constant chatter from Merlin.

Gaius had left, alongside her brother, to visit a sick man down in the lower village, and the house was strangely quiet. It wasn't often she had so much space to herself, and she laughed upon realising she was doing exactly the same thing as what she would do when they were home.

Her arms came up to rest on the damp windowsill, watching the townspeople rushing by, heads covered by their shawls and jackets to protect their hair from becoming wet. She sighed, her chin propped up on her crossed arms as a group of young girls rushed by outside, their laughter echoing over the constant slam of rain against glass.

Sometimes she wondered if solitude was really such a pleasure to have. It seemed as if she followed a similar routine day to day, and no part of it included spending time with anybody but her brother.

Of course, the witch adored Merlin to pieces, however she couldn't help but want some familiar female companionship sometimes. Granted, she did know Gwen, and the two spent time gossiping when meeting in the halls of Camelot's castle, and she greeted Morgana as friends upon seeing her around the town, but it never felt the same.

Aurora jumped from the window, her hip bumping into the stone wall as the door of her room opened wide. She sighed, heart pounding as she was met with the thoughtful face of Merlin.

"Well that's a look. Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself." The witch teased, returning to her spot on her bed as Merlin collapsed face-down onto his own. He spoke, yet his words were muffled by the pillow beneath his face.

He turned his head to face her, his brows furrowed in an expression of pain. Aurora tilted her head to be on the same level as his.

"What is it?" She asked, and Merlin sighed.

"There's a girl... she's locked in a cage in the courtyard. Gaius said she'd been caught by a bounty hunter." Merlin explained quietly. Aurora's shoulders fell and her face turned pitying.

"Oh, that poor girl. I wish we could help her." She muttered, and Merlin nodded as best as he could with his head still half pressed into his bed.

"Maybe we can?" He offered, and Aurora gave him a deadpanned look.

"Merlin, you know we can't. Bounty hunters are among the biggest haters of people with magic. Can you imagine they found out about us?" She fell back onto her bed, arms crossed over her chest as her head spun with scenarios of torture.

"But we live in Camelot. With a King who despises magic. We've been here for almost two years, Rora, and we haven't been caught yet!" Merlin persisted, and Aurora's head rolled to face him.

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