Your Strange Saviors

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"Down here. Below you." You called back, a little louder this time. With all the moving around they did, your legs were being pinned more by the large rock that trapped you. If they didn't hurry your legs would be crushed and you'd be stuck here permanently.

"Dust, start digging. Who knows how long they've been under here." Cross ordered. As rocks above you were moved around.

"Nah shit. And I don't take orders from you." Dust answers, helping to free a path to you.

The two of them dug through the rubble to get to you, trying not to send anymore loose rubble farther down. You tried to pull your legs free to save them some time but it was no use. By the time they had reached you, your chest ached from the effort of trying to free yourself and the pressure of being trapped for so long.

When you finally saw a hand reaching to move another rock, you were suprised to see that your two heros were skeletons. A small knot of fear formed in your stomach as you realized. Then again, they are saving you. Surely monsters can't be as bad as you've been taught if they're helping you like this.

"We can't get much deeper. It's too unstable." Dust spoke as a shower of debris fell around you.

A hand reached down just above your head, "Grab my hand, I'll pull you out." Cross voice sounded strained as he stretched his arm as far down as he could.

You managed to grab his hand trying to help him pull you up. You barely moved. Another hand, assumedly Dust's, reached to help. After quite a bit of effort, you were free.

The two skeletons pulled you up to the surface with concerned looks. Fresh air rushed into your lungs quicker than you expected, making you cough uncontrollably as you tried to adjust yourself. It didn't take long for them to notice that each time you took a breath it made your body sting.

"I can't believe those star idiots would leave someone like this." Dust huffed. He gently helps you to your feet, putting your arm over his shoulders and his arm on your back.

Cross copied him on your other side, "We need to get them to Nightmare. He can take a look at their injuries." Dust nods in agreement. "I'll take us there, just make sure we don't lose them, Dust."

You looked at Cross, confused. What did he mean? How would they lose you? That's when the world seemed to blur and you felt suspended in the air. A rush of wind blew into your face and the sudden motion made you sick to your stomach. In the blink of an eye, you were in a new place.

It was clouded and gloomy with the smell of rain coating the air. Dark plants that looked somehow both alive and dead covered the ground. As you looked up you saw a huge castle, it's dark stone walls looking like it was pulled right from a fairytale.

The two skeletons lead you inside, both slow and careful as to not hurt you further. As the three of you make your way through the large hallway of an entrance, Dust leaves you with Cross and rushes ahead. Cross shifts his arm a little to better support you, "Don't worry. Boss will do everything he can to help. He's not as scary as he looks."

You barely managed a nod at the black and white dressed skeleton. He stood out yet blended in at the same time in such a strange way. Maybe it was just the lightheadedness, but it was hard to focus on much else other than the contrast of the white clothes and the red eye. Was it rude to stare at it? You didn't push it, looking back toward where Dust disappeared.

A deep echoing voice sounded ahead of you in the darkness, "Let's get them to my office so I can have a look." A deep blue eye appeared at the end of the hall, the source of the voice.

"Yes boss." Cross answers. You try your best not to lean on Cross too much as he takes you to the office his boss talked about. What did he call him earlier? Nightmare?

As you entered the room you noticed a black, inky, skeleton digging through the drawers of a desk. Cross sits you down on a bench facing the desk as Nightmare finds what he's looking for, humming in satisfaction. He didn't even look up at you as he spoke again, "I can take it from here, Cross. Go rest. You've done well."

You try to keep from shaking as Cross leaves, only you and Nightmare in the room now. He pulls a large first aid kit from his desk and approaches you, his unobscured eye narrowing as he gets closer. You look at the floor as a feeling of panic washed over you. "Don't be afraid, human. I have no need to injure you further. Yet."

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