Meeting Adjourned, Mission Begins

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"Why does (Y/N) look like they're questioning everything they've ever known?" Nightmare asks as he walks in, a mug of coffee in his hands. "What did you boys do?"

You looked up at him and tried to calm your racing mind but before you could speak, Killer answered, "We got on the topic of aus. They asked about H's bro and the topic sparked from there. They wanted to know, so it's not our fault that they're questioning their existence. All of us have gone through it, it was only a matter of time."

Giving Nightmare a half smile, you managed to respond to his concern, "Yeah, sorry. I guess I wasn't ready to think about the fact that I'm just some variation of someone else. How did all this aus come to be? If that's okay for me to ask." Even though it was a lot to process you couldn't stand to have more questions. Especially with all the questions your dream from last night left you with, you needed at least some sort of understanding.

"Ink, that multicolor skeleton that we constantly bash heads with, claims that people called 'creators' and 'artists' made every alternate universe or au. His job is supposed to be to help inspire the creators to make whatever they can dream up, to protect their creations. It's all bull if you ask me," Nightmare takes a long sip of his coffee before continuing, "He's insane. Talks to a giant paintbrush like it's alive, he has no soul, and is completely emotionless." He walks over to the head of the table and takes a seat, setting down his mug of coffee and looking at the grandfather clock in the room. "That's enough of the au talk, we need to get the day started."

Dust, Killer, Horror, and yourself adjust your seats to be at the table properly. It didn't take long for the four of you to realize that you were short a person. Cross wasn't here yet. Dust was quick to point this out, "Cross is still in bed. Does your favorite get a pass from this meeting, Boss?" His tone was teasing, but you swore you heard a slight bit of concern. Was dust worried about Cross' absence?

With a low sigh, Nightmare locks his hands together and leans on the table, "Cross is exempt today. He asked that the reason be kept between the two of us. If you ask again I will make sure you get cleaning duty for a month. That goes for all of you. Understand?" Despite the threat, he didn't seem angry or upset with Dust at all. The underlying tone of his voice was of worry. Whatever the reason, it must be a pretty good one.

"Yes sir." Dust sits back in his chair, arms crossed and a look of concern in his eyes. How often did stuff like this happen, where someone had to stay in their room? Did it have to do with your conversation with him yesterday about magic? Maybe he overworked himself. Yeah, he just overdid it during your spar, waiting for his magic to replenish or something.

"Today is a short mission to a recently attacked au. You'll stay out of sight, away from anyone who may still be there, and you will not engage in any sort of battle for any reason. If you are engaged you will return immediately. You're looking for any sign of why the place wasn't fully destroyed. Signs of battle, something significant near the damaged areas, stuff like that." Nightmare looks at each of you four in turn, waiting for any questions comments, or rebuttals.

Killer was the first to speak after a short silence filled the room, "Can I lead this mission?" He looked excited and had his usual devious glint in his smile.

"No. Dust will lead this mission. The last time you led one, you almost got yourself killed because you refused to follow my orders." He quickly answered, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pointed out what happened before. "You're gonna listen to him and help make sure (Y/N) can keep up."

"I get to go?" You asked excitedly, quickly clearing your throat since your voice came out sounding like a giddy child. "I mean- You trust me to help?"

The leader nods with a half smirk he hid behind his coffee mug, "After watching you train yesterday, I think you can handle it. If it gets to be too much though, for any reason, you'll be coming back. I don't want you wrapped up in any situation that may be uncomfortable or dangerous." The way he was talking to you was like a father, stern and worried. You can handle it. You know you can. "As much as I hate sending you this au so soon, it's very different from yours. That being said, if you start to panic or have any negative feelings there's no shame in returning."

Horror hums in agreement, "Yup. We've all had to step aside from missions before. It's not a big deal."

You nod slightly, "Okay." They didn't have to treat you like a child. You'd be fine. Even if it affects you, you need to face it eventually. This battle with your past is something you can't run from forever. Eventually, you'll face situations just like it. Especially if you were going to be staying in the castle.

Standing in front of the portal made your stomach twist in knots. The last time you were teleported somewhere, you were hurt, and almost threw up. Dust motioned for Horror to take the lead in jumping through, Killer quickly following, leaving you to jump in next. As if feeling your fear of vomiting, Dust gave his best attempt at a comforting smirk which ended up looking slightly mocking, "I'm better at portals than Cross. It won't be as bad as last time you did this."

Hesitantly, you held your breath, closed your eyes, and took a step through the portal. The floor disappeared from under you, wind blew through your face, and for a moment it felt like you were falling. When you felt the ground return beneath your feet, you opened your eyes, letting the dizzy feeling disappear. Looking around, you found yourself in a small clearing inside a bright green forest. Horror and Killer were standing nearby, quietly chatting. Dust didn't take long to appear next to you, the portal closing behind him.

"You ready to go, then?" Killer asks as he impatiently taps his foot. The guy gets told he can't be the leader and now he's acting stuck up. You're starting to see a pattern with Killer.

"Stop sulking. C'mon, we have quite the walk to get to the right place." Dust rolls his eyes and starts walking through the trees. Killer made no comment back as he followed after the monotone skeleton. You were quick to follow, Horror bridging up the rear to keep an eye on things.

As all of you walk through the woods, you felt yourself tightening your grip on your kusarigama, holding them close and ready to use if need be. The ominous silence that fills the air didn't help your rising anxiety, each small sound making you flinch. Soon the tree thinned out and the ground sloped down. The once bright grass grew dull and dry, leaving a sinking feeling to the breeze.

What once was a dirt path became a white space with fallen trees and destroyed earth all over. Images of the city rubble flashed in your mind as you looked across the misshapen land. Although the sight was far from as violent as your world, it was obvious that the destruction you faced also wreaked havoc here.

"This was definitely Error's work. We should split into two teams. That way we can find out what exactly happened and why he didn't finish the job." Dust comments, reaching into his pocket and taking out two small bones.

You, Horror, and Killer, all nod. "How will we split?" Horror asks, summoning his axe.

"Since it's (Y/N)'s first mission, they can pick who they want to take. The other two will check the other direction." Dust adjusts his scarf, looking towards you.

You look between the skeletons as Killer and Horror look at you, curious as to who you'd pick.

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