The Healing Process Begins

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Nightmare pulls a chair over to sit right across from you, setting the first aid kit next to you. "I can help treat the more physical wounds, your cuts and bruises, but the injury to your head and mind I cannot heal." He pulls out some bandages and antibiotic cream, "Now where does it hurt the most?"

You hesitated a little, were you really going to let this stranger look at your wounds? You had several along your sides, chest, legs, and back.  Despite the fact that you had more pain along your sides and chest, you weren't ready for that yet. "My legs." You stuttered out.

He gives you a look that says he knew otherwise but doesn't argue. He rolls up your pant leg and starts to take a look at your wounds. He was very gentle with you, which surprised you since he was so intimidating. Even though he was careful, you still felt pain when he touched your cuts. Each Time you flinched he gave you a glance, as if to reassure you.

When he finishes he stands up and goes to a chest near a bookshelf. He pulls out a blanket. He gives it to you, "Use this to cover yourself if you're uncomfortable with it, but I have to get at your other wounds before they get worse." After giving you this instruction he looks out his window to give you a little privacy.

You do so and mutter quietly to let him know he can turn back around, "Thank you."

Nightmare comes back to you and treats your other wounds. As he does so he tries his best to keep your attention from the pain of your wounds being cleaned. "I can't believe they left someone in that universe after it started to collapse. And they call themselves heros. Surely that idiot brother of mine would have felt your panic and known you were still there."

"Your brother?" You question. Was one of those monsters who fought in the city related to him? Which one would it be? Probably Dream, since their names kind of go together.

Nightmare sighs, "Don't worry about it. He isn't as good as he tries to claim he is. Everyone here has been cast aside in some way by him or his friends. Not to mention the number of those they hurt who didn't want to come here."

Everyone? "Um. How many people are here exactly?" You questioned, hoping you weren't prying too much. He seemed upset by this, hurting you slightly as a reaction.

Seeing you flinch with a sharp inhale he stopped. "Sorry. You'll meet them all soon enough." He leans back, with a deep sigh, his eyes closed,"You need to try and eat something. It'll help with your dizziness. After that you can rest. We can do introductions once you're a little better. I'll take you to a spare room you can use and I can bring you some food after you settle in."

You redressed yourself while he talked, that way you didn't take up too much of his time. As he finished talking you realized what it meant when he talked about your world earlier. "I.... I can never go home. Can I?" You asked, quietly.

He looks back at you, a look of sympathy and pity on his face, "I'm afraid not. It's a surprise that you survived. It's not often that happens. The only one who was able to live through something like that was Cross and it wasn't even anything like what you went through."

You hug yourself slightly at the thought of it all being gone. Your home, your friends, everything you loved is gone.

"Listen- erm... I didn't catch your name."

"(Y/N).... My name is (Y/N)."

"Well, (Y/N), you're welcome to stay with us as long as you need to. Or want to. I'm sure you'll find that we are not what others say we are."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's get you to a spare room first, you can ask questions while you eat." Nightmare dodged your question, standing up and heading out into the hallway.

You follow him the best you can, limping slightly as you do. He was patient with you and made sure not to get too far ahead. When you arrived to the spare room it was rather plain, having only a bed and dresser. For a castle it was rather empty.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in a moment." He told you, leaving you to the room.

You sit on the bed, fatigue taking over you as soon as you hit the soft mattress. Despite the whole thing looking simple and stiff, it was actually quite comfortable.

It didn't take long for Nightmare to return. He knocks at your door before opening it to warn you of his entry. He hands you a bowl of soup and a glass of water, "Now you can ask questions."

You look down at your soup and think for a moment. You may not be able to ask much, so you have to choose your questions wisely.

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