A decision to be made

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You followed the group quickly, trying your best to keep up. It didn't take long for you to fall behind and out of earshot. Nightmare was explaining something in a quiet voice, making it impossible for you to hear even a syllable from back here. When the group arrived at the edge of the woods surrounding the castle grounds you finally caught up, hearing the end of the conversation.

"We need to move now. Dust, you're staying." Nightmare states with a hand on Dust's shoulder. Despite this reassuring gesture, he still looked Pissed at having to stay behind. Yet even in his anger, Dust knew that this choice was best.

You stand next to Dust, head high as if ready to take on the world, "Let's go then."

Killer holds back a laugh at your statement as Nightmare turns to you, "No, (Y/n). This isn't your fight, nor are you even capable of participating. You're not trained and still have a few injuries to worry about." His concern apparent, even if his words were cold.

Without waiting for an answer or acknowledgement from you, he teleported away, the others quickly following. Silence filled the air as you and Dust stood alone on the treeline.

"I could've helped." You huff in slight irritation. Even if Nightmare was right, you aren't a child, you can take care of yourself well enough.

Dust rolls his eyes slightly, pulling his red scarf up closer to him. "Sure, sure. You held up pretty well when Error was in your world." Dust comments in a sarcastic tone, starting to head back to the castle.

"Excuse me?" He did NOT just go there!

"Seeing how you ended up after Error, you can't fight. You couldn't even escape him. There's no way you can last in a battle without training." He adds as he keeps walking. It was hard to tell if he was being agitating on purpose or if he had poor communication skills. His voice was so monotone and laced in sarcasm that it was hard to tell if he was serious.

You catch up to Dust, practically fuming from his inability to control what he said. "I wasn't really have a reason to fight or run then. Now I do." You respond matteroffactly.

He paused for a moment, almost like he was listening to someone else speak before he responded, "Just be sure that your reason is the right one. Don't make the mistake of having a corrupt view."

The silence was deafening between Dust and yourself when you arrived back. The majority of the walk was quiet after Dust's ominous warning. What did he mean by corrupt? Was that how he ended up here? You knew better than to ask.

Dust didn't make much effort to socialize, heading to his room as soon as he got inside. You quietly hoped you didn't upset him, but at the same time you didn't want to talk to him either after what he said to you.

Even if it was uncalled for, it wasn't a lie. This 'Error' did almost kill you in his attempt to fight someone else. You weren't even his target and you still ended up injured. You're a long way from getting your revenge, then again, that couldn't stop you.

You decided to try and train yourself out in the backyard the best you could. A makeshift dummy quickly becomes the target of your attempts to learn attacks. You jab, swipe, and smack the dummy with a large stick. You tried all sorts of attack styles to find one that suited you.

By the time the others returned, you had caused quite some damage to the dummy. It had popped a few new sems, it was scuffed, and much dirter.

You looked up toward the balcony that had a clear view of the whole area, seeing Nightmare standing quietly. He was watching you with a curious and intense look. How long ago did he return? What all did he see. The faint smirk on his skull was enough to tell you he was likely a little impressed.

You drop your stick on the ground, panting slightly as you catch your breath. Would he give you a weapon after this? You hoped so. Once you had one, you'd be able to train more.

A sharp pain makes you grab your side, the small adrenaline boost from training must be fading. Your wound felt fresh, even though it was healing well.

With a small glance back at Nightmare, you went back inside to sit. You head to the kitchen to get a glass of water, Killer and Dust were in quiet conversation, Horror was making something to eat, and Cross was nowhere to be seen.

Dust gives you little more than a glance as you try to hide your pain. Killer looks at you with a mix of curiosity and concern, "Overwork yourself there, (Y/N)?" He chuckles slightly, wether that was to try and lighten the mood or to tease you was unknown.

"I need a break, catch my breath, get water. You know?" You respond with a half chuckle back at him. You hoped he was trying to make jokes like usual.

Horror turns from his work to check on you after hearing this short exchange. Without a word, he hands you a glass from the cabinet for your water.

"Thanks, Horror." You smile, fixing yourself some water and taking a small sip. He gives a small hum of acknowledgement in return.

"So. How was your practice?" Dust asks, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms.

"We saw you on our way back. You were super concentrated." Killer chimes in again. "You didn't even notice us return."

You nod, "Yeah, sorry. Guess I was a bit distracted. Lost in my head, you know?. It was pretty good. Nightmare watched me a little from him balcony."

Dust messes with his scarf a little bit, "Being lost in your head isn't always a good thing. Be careful, (Y/N)."

Horror grunts a bit in agreement, "Dust is right. Minds can blind you, as well as emotions."

"Yeah, I heard." You respond as you head up toward your room.

Right before you grabbed the handle, Nightmare's voice sounded behind you, "(Y/N)?"

You stiffen slightly, startled at first but somewhat used to his deep echoing voice. "Yes, sir?"

"I'd like to see you in my office as soon as your pain goes away." He instructs, motioning with his head to your still aching side.

"Of course. What for?"

"I may have underestimated you a small bit. I have an offer for you. If you're interested in taking the next step in your training. Provided you remain careful."

What was that supposed to mean?

"Now rest a bit, (Y/N)."

You nod, "okay. I'll see you in a little bit, Nightmare."

After resting up, you arrived at Nightmare's office, knocking on the door. Shuffling sounded from the other side and you saw the familiar dark form of Nightmare crack open the door. "Ah, hello. Come in, come in."

You follow Nightmare inside, confused when he stops at a locked cabinet. "Um. Sir? What did you need?"

"Like I said. It's time you take a step forward. I have a few weapons for you to choose from." He answers, unlocking the doors and picking a few out. He sets an array of weapons down on his desk.

"These are what I believe will suit you best. Choose whichever one you'd like." He instructs, arranging them to be in plain sight.

Lined up on the desk were three weapons. A Halberd (Looks like a long spear with an axe added to the pointy end), two combat sickles laid on top of each other with a chain connecting them, and a horseman's pick (think like a hoe with a long staff).

Could you really choose one of these? It was such a big decision, you didn't know which you'd prefer to be honest. All of them are good for defense or attacks at a distance. You couldn't believe this moment was here so soon.

(Please comment your choice, sickles, halberd, or a horseman's pick. Google has many images if need be. If your suggestion isn't listed, don't worry, it will make an appearance later on!)

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