Chapter 13

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3 days later and I'm just getting worse. I sleep 20 hours a day, and the 4 hours I am awake are spread out. I can barely hold up a conversation and I hate it. I can see all the doctors are afraid of telling me something. They know I'm dying, but they don't want to tell me. I've known all along that I'd die without Tadashi's help. He's the only one that knows what drug those men injected me with, because he created it and knows the cure. It's supposed to treat the deadliest illnesses but if you take a high enough dose it can cause one. When he discovered that, he created the cure. They're using it against us now, I'm almost positive they told him what they did to me just to drive him crazy.

"Hiro? How are you feeling?" Nurse Jackie asked me, she was my favorite nurse.

I shrugged my shoulders, unable to form words.

"We have some good news, the police are here. They found your brother." she smiles.

I try to sit up, "Ta- Ta.."

"Shhh, calm down. He's in pretty bad shape but they'll bring him here soon. This is great news!" Nurse Jackie smiles more, "Just get plenty of rest so you'll be awake as possible when he gets here.

I nod my head and relax, trying to fall asleep as fast as I can.

He's safe. I'm safe now that they've found him. Everything's going to be okay.

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