Chapter 6

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"Hiro, your friends are here to see you." Aunt Cass says as she lets Honey, GoGo, Wasasbi, and Fred into my room.

Friends? Freinds.. I haven't considered them friends for a long time.  They're Tadashi's friends.  They're not my friends. They just feel sorry for me because they know I have no friends.  At least they think that.  They don't know about her.. Josie..

"Hey, Hiro.  Are you feeling any better?" Honey asks, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Sort of.. It doesn't hurt to sit up anymore. I still can't stand though. I'm sorta geting back feeling in my leg." again I lied again, I could't feel it at all.

"Can you move it yet?' Wasabi asked.

"No, the doctor said it might take a few weeks. And even after I get all the feeling back I'll have to use crutches."

"How's the cut on your leg healing?' GoGo asks

"Well it's the reason I can't move or feel my leg.  But the bleeding finally stopped."

"Well that's good I guess." Fred says.

"Yeah.." I forced a yawn, hoping they'd leave and let me rest.

"Guys, we should go. He seems tired." Honey whispers.

"You guys go, I'm going to stay behind and help Cass take care of him." GoGo whispers.

"I'm right here, I can hear you."

"Sorry.." Fred said as he, Wasabi, and Honey left.

"Do you need anything? Water? Anything?" GoGo asks.

"No, I'm fine for now."

"Good, because you have some expalining to do." she got up in my face, "What really happened that night."

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